Chapter 17

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CHAPTER 17- Pub. May 30, 2019

I was woken by some shuffling noises across the room. Feeling slightly more rested than I was the last time I remembered being awake, I opened my eyes. Seeing the PC’s and equipment reminded me of where I was. Yoongi, who kneeled across the room, was busy gathering a few blankets and pillows from the floor. He turned around, and when he saw I was awake, he smiled.

“Good morning, Sujin.”

“Good morning, Yoongi.” I rubbed my eyes.

“I hope you slept well enough,” he said, nodding to to the black couch I was laying across.

“Mm,” I nodded, before realizing that this was the only comfortable place to sleep in his studio. “Yoongi, you slept on the floor?”

“Well you fell asleep on the couch, and I wasn’t going to move you. So,” he explained, holding up the blanket and pillow in his hand.

“Well, I’m glad you love me more than you’re highly favored sleep,” I laughed, slipping out of the heavy blanket that had covered me during the night. My cheerful mood was quickly replaced by a dark feeling as I remembered the events of the night.

“Agh,” I groaned, laying back onto the couch. “What a mess we’re in.”

“You still want to go to school?” Yoongi asked.

“Yes, I do, but that doesn’t mean it sounds fun.”

“The members will kill me for letting you go.”
    “They probably will,” I agreed, sitting up. “Hey, Yoongi, I don’t have my uniform or backpack,” I told him, realizing the thought myself.

“Oh.” He sat in thought for a moment before continuing. “Well, just try going to school anyways and I’ll see if I can bring your stuff later without the boys noticing.”

“Fine, but that’s not going to make the best impression, at school, being there without my uniform” I nodded. “But, I guess we’ve already established the fact that I’m never going to make a good impression.”

“Ah, Sujin,” Yoongi sighed. “It’ll be fine.”

“I hope,” I concluded, before standing up. “Do you have a hair or tooth brush? I should at least clean up a bit before I get to school.”

“Yeah, I told you, I practically live here. Go down the hall to the left and there’s a bathroom. There’s everything you’ll need, but your school starts in an hour so make it quick. We can grab something to eat from the staff room, where you were earlier.”

“Alright, thanks,” I nodded, before venturing out of Yoongi’s studio.


“Good luck, kid,” Yoongi bid, waving me off from the car.

“Thanks, Yoongi,” I smiled, before walking into the school building.

As I neared my locker, I saw Meori at hers, next to mine.

“Hi, Meori,” I greeted her, reaching my locker.

She nodded in response, but kept her attention to her books she was sorting out.

“So, you’re dating Jimin, but you’re cheating on him, because I saw you with Jungkook yesterday?” she finally asked. I choked on my own breath as I tried to respond, so I had to swallow hard before I could answer her disgusting question.

“W-What? What are you talking about, no?”

“I know it was you in the pictures all over the media yesterday. Plus, it makes sense, because I saw you with Jungkook the other day. You must live with all of them.”

Forever, You are Young // BTS Adopted Book 1 ✅Where stories live. Discover now