Chapter 27

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CHAPTER 27- Pub. August 29, 2019

“Sujin, get up.”

    “But I’m tired,” I whined, still half asleep.

    “How? You’ve been sleeping a lot. Oh no. She’s becoming Yoongi Hyung,” Taehyung said, shaking me awake.

    “Tae, stop, I’m awake,” I grumbled, getting out of the van behind Taehyung.

    “Come on guys, Aecha said she’s inside waiting for us,” Jin said, herding all of us inside the restaurant.

    “Aecha is coming?” I asked, glazing lazily around the restaurant.

    “Yeah, we texted her while you were sleeping. Again,” Jungkook said annoyed. I sent a small glance his way, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

“Ah! There she is, come on guys,” Namjoon said, leading us back farther into the restaurant.

“Sujin!” Aecha quietly shouted, pulling me into a brief hug.

“It’s good to see you too, Aecha,” I said with a yawn.

    “Have these boys been keeping you awake?” she asked.

    “No, just didn’t sleep well last night,” I responded, pulling out a chair to sit. Jimin took a seat in front of me, with Hoseok next to him. To my left, Taehyung sat, followed by Namjoon and Jin. Jungkook was on Aecha’s right, on the other side of the table. Yoongi sat to my right at the head of the table.

    “So, what’d you guys want to talk about?” Aecha asked, seeing the boys’ serious facial expressions.

    “We wanted to ask you about anything you might know of Sujin’s mom?” Namjoon said.

    “Oh… there- there is not much I can say,” Aecha stuttered, looking down at the table.

    “But we’re her legal guardians now. I’m sure we’re allowed to know,” Namjoon poked.

    “I know, it’s just- I can’t tell you much for Sujin’s safety. Her mom wanted her to be safe.”

    “Well I can assure you, she would be much more safe if we knew more. Listen,” Namjoon continued. “We saw her father yesterday, at a cafe just down the street from our dorm.”

    At this, Aecha’s eyes went wide.

“Did he say anything? Or recognize her?”

“No,” I said. “But I knew it was him. I actually found my uncle…”

“You did?” Aecha gasped. “One, none of our records showed clearly that you had more family, and two, your mother said there was no one else-”

“We need to know more things like that,” said Yoongi. “That makes sense. Sujin’s mother clearly didn’t want anyone to be able to find her again.”

“Yes,” Aecha nodded. “That’s why she demanded that I claim Sujin was the name I gave her. She said the name was dear to her and she couldn’t imagine her daughter being called anything else, but she didn’t want any family to find her if there happened to be any…” She trailed off, deep in thought.

“I understand that,” I said. “Now my father knows that I found my uncle Sejin. It would be easier for him to find me again…”

“Do you remember your father at all?” Aecha asked.

I nodded, giving a sad smile. “Yeah, it’s a long story.”

I explained my encounter with seeing my father and the discussion I had with the members. At the end, Aecha’s eyes were as wide as her mouth.

Forever, You are Young // BTS Adopted Book 1 ✅Where stories live. Discover now