Chapter 31

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CHAPTER 31- Pub. Sept 26, 2019

The first fan was finishing with Taehyung, and I was getting nervous. Would they stop to say hi, talk to me, or even ask me to sign their album as well? I wasn’t even sure what I’d do to make my signature special.

The girl approached me. She had highlights in her dark hair, and long earrings, but a kind smile on her face. She looked about ten.

“Would you sign my album?” she asked. I wasn’t sure whether to be pleased or not.

“Of course,” I said, opening the cap of the pen. “What’s your name?” I asked, trying to be as kind as the members were when approaching their fans.


“Ohh, how nice,” I smiled. “Where would you like me to sign?” I asked, wondering if she considered me as one with the members or not.

“Wherever,” she shrugged.

“You’re sure you don’t care?”

“Mm hm,” she nodded. I signed in the bottom right corner, away from the other member’s, but not completely secluded.

“Thank you!” she said, then left.

I was happy. She didn’t expect much of me but she at least wanted to recognize me.

The next fan came along, but once she ended with Taehyung, she picked up her poster and turned around, heading back to her seat without even looking my way.

I didn’t care.

A few more fans approached me and said a few things along the lines of, “How lucky are you?” or “The members really care for you,” or something like that. Others just walked away. I was fine with whatever. They weren’t here for me.
It had been a few minutes since someone had approached me, and I was intent on watching the boys interact with fans, when an older fan stopped in front of me before she continued on her way.

“Hi Sujin,” she said. She was pretty, but didn’t wear a lot of makeup, which made her seem very friendly. She had a bounce in her step and a small smile on her face.

“Hello unnie,” I spoke formally.

“Would you mind signing my poster?”

“I’d love to.”

She handed me the paper. It was one of the more formal pictures of the boys. “Where’d you like me to sign?”

“How about next to V’s?”

“Really?” I asked, surprised.

“Yeah, you can be in with them,” she smiled. I signed my name and handed it back to her.

“Also, here.” She handed me a black, leather strip bracelet with a silver heart threaded on.

“What’s this?”

“Don’t tell him, but to be honest, this was supposed to be Jimin’s. I thought you looked lonely over here, I don’t think ARMY’s appreciate you enough. You clearly make the boys happy, and that’s all it takes to make me happy. Real ARMY will see that. I thought you should have it.”

“Wow,” I said, turning over the bracelet in my hand a few times. “That’s really kind of you. Thanks.”

“I’m happy I got to meet you. I know if anyone’s going to make a difference in BTS’s lives, it’s going to be you. It’s up to you now, but I believe you can do it. You can be there for them and help them. I’ll be cheering for you.” She gave me a finger heart before turning to leave. I was too surprised to respond.

Forever, You are Young // BTS Adopted Book 1 ✅Where stories live. Discover now