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~3 years later~

"Teddy!! Teddy put that bottle down!" I shouted as I ran towards the toddler who had lifted a potion off the shelf.

He giggled at me, his bright blue hair changing suddenly to black like my own. I took the bottle from his hand and placed it on the shelf, lifting him up to rest on my hip.

"I really need to put a charm on that shelf huh?" I said grinning at him, as I walked towards the desk.

"Draco would be proud of us." I said as I opened the diary that lay on the desk, quickly jotting down to charm the shelves.

"Dwaco!" Teddy exclaimed, his brows furrowed in concentration, as his hair slowly turned white blonde.

I smiled down at him, "You remember Draco?"

Teddy nodded excitedly, and pointed at the picture sitting on the desk.

Draco and I during Christmas at his mothers. "That's him Teddy. When you're much older, I'll tell you all about him."

I looked up as the door of the shop opened, Hermione stood in the doorway.

"Mione!!" Teddy squealed, his hair changing to the same brown as Hermione's as he struggled to get out of my grip.

"Teddy!' She exclaimed and held her arms out as I set him down on the ground and he sprinted towards her.

She picked him up and spun him around, he giggled wildly and shrieked in excitement.

"Hey 'Mione." I said, walking over as she set teddy back down. She pulled me into a gentle hug.

"Have you seen the profit?" She asked, opening her handbag and rustling around in it.

"Not yet, why?"

She smiled as she handed me the paper, I was shocked to see a large image of the shopfront covering the front page.

The title read "Heartwarming story behind Diagon Alleys newest addition."

I read on, 'Malfoy&Potter Potionmakers, newly opened by the well known Harry Potter, is an ode to his late partner Draco Malfoy.'

I stopped reading and looked up at Hermione, "I wondered how long if would take them to connect the dots, admittedly I thought they'd have realised the day I opened this place."

"They've always been better at publishing the fake news before the truth." She grinned at me.

I felt a tug on my sleeve and looked down to see Teddy, beckoning me to lift him up.

I obliged and he smiled at Hermione, his hair still the same colour as hers.

"He seems so happy since you adopted him." She said softly, sticking her tongue out at Teddy causing him to squeal again and clap his hands excitedly.

"So do you actually." She added.

"I am happy. I feel complete again, I still miss him. I miss him a lot but I knew adopting teddy was the right thing to do. I just hope it keeps going as well as it has so far." I said, anxiety bubbling in my stomach.

"I'm sure it will. You're an amazing godfather to him." She smiled.

"Yeah, I had a good example to go off." I replied, memories of my own godfather flooding back in.

I hope I can do as well as Remus wants me to. I hope I can be as good to teddy as Sirius was to me.

I know that was a weird little ending but I didn't want to leave you guys with a completely sad ending!!!

read the next update if you have time, but that's the story over!!

I hope you enjoyed :)

Over and out.

XoxxoX Darkdreamclouds

Fractured ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora