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Harry's POV

I woke up with a groggy start as Hermione shook my shoulder.

"What?" I mumbled, sitting upright and feeling a dull pain spread through my stiff neck.

"We can go see him now." Hermione said.

I felt a burst of energy rush through me as excitement overtook. I could actually see him? He must be fine if I'm allowed to see him now!

I stood up and held my hands out to Hermione who took them, and I pulled her up to her feet.

"Harry? Harry please don't get so excited. Harry, Madam Pomfrey says that he's not in a good way. Are you even listening to me?" Hermione said, but I couldn't bring myself to focus on her.

Instead, I rushed into the hospital wing, looking frantically for Draco.

Then I spotted him. The curtains were pulled around his bed, but I could see a small glimpse of blonde hair through the gaps.

I jogged towards him, and slid through the gap in the curtains.

But my heart sank when my eyes landed on him.

If I hadn't of known that it was definitely Draco lying in that bed, I would not believe that it was him.

I've never seen anyone in such a state before.

I sank down into the chair beside his bed, and clutched his pale hand.

I squeezed my eyes tightly closed, and took a deep breath.

God I shouldn't of left him alone. I knew there was such a high risk of him being attacked at any time but I still left him alone. God I'm such an idiot it's all my fault. I let him go back to the dorm alone. Fuck I could have stopped this all.

I let it out and let out a choked sob as tears began to run down my face.


I struggled to wipe my eyes before saying, "I'm okay."

Hermione entered the small makeshift room, and I turned my face away from her.

I heard her gasp, "Oh my god... who could do this to him?"

"You know who did it. We all know. And there's nothing we can do about it."

"Harry... The ministry will send them to jail."

I laughed and shook my head, "No they won't. They'll let them off with a slap on the hand. You know what they're like. He's an ex death eater, they don't care about this."

She hugged me from behind and and held onto her hands. "We'll make sure they get punished Harry. For Draco."

"Yeah... for Draco." I said quietly.

She let go of me and I stood up, giving Draco's hand and whispering him a quiet "I love you."

I slipped past the curtains, and stood beside Hermione who was talking to Pansy and Blaise.

"Hey." I said.

"Heya." Blaise said.

"Luna went back to class, she's going to stop by later." Pansy said and I nodded.

I glanced around the room before speaking again, "No Ron then?"

"No. I'm going to go find him though." Hermione replied.

"Don't. If he wanted to be here, then he would be." I said and Hermione sighed.

"He's right." Blaise said and Pansy nodded in agreement.

Hermione sighed and pursed her lips.

"I'm going to go talk to Madam Pomfrey." I said.

"We'll go see Draco." Pansy said and I nodded.

"I'll go with you Harry." Hermione said, and we parted from Blaise and Pansy and walked over to Madam Pomfrey's office.

I knocked gently on the door and it was opened seconds later, to reveal a slightly stricken Poppy Pomfrey.

"Hi, sorry to bother you, but we were wondering how Draco is." Hermione said.

"Ah.. yes of course. Come in." She moved aside to let us into her office.

The room was small but airy, windows lined the walls and I watched as Pansy followed Blaise past the curtains to where Draco lay.

"Take a seat." She said and moved to sit behind her desk.

I followed Hermione and took the seat beside her infront of the desk.

"Draco's been through a lot, and he's a strong young man, but this is a lot of trauma to the body." Madam Pomfrey said, her tone calm and level.

"Will he be okay?" I asked, and felt my stomach tighten as I waited for her response.

"It's hard for us to know. He's currently in a coma, and we don't know when he will wake up." She said and I felt my heart drop.

"But he will wake up?" Hermione asked.

"We cannot be sure, but I think that he will. He's a fighter, he'll get through this." She said.

"Shouldn't he be in St.Mungo's then?" I asked.

"We had the best healer come out when Draco arrived, and we've been told that St.Mungo's can do nothing more for Draco than what we can right here."

"Okay. Thanks." I said quietly.

"Thank you." Hermione said, I stood up and she followed me out of the small room.

The door closed gently behind us.

I let out a sigh.

He might never wake up.

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