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Harry's P.O.V:

I drummed my quill against the sheet of blank parchment lying on my desk. A sense of unease hung over me as my leg bounced up and down under the desk.

The clock still read 7:16, visiting doesn't start until half past, I groaned as I sank down into my chair. Willing time to speed up so I could see Draco.

A knock at the door caused me to jump, the quill fell from my hand and rolled onto the floor, landing with a soft thud.

I pushed my chair out from the desk, flinching as it scraped against the wooden floor.

"Harry?" I heard a voice call quietly from the other side of the door.

I pulled the door open to reveal Hermione, with red, splotchy cheeks and her eyes swollen and puffy.

"What's wrong? Is Ron okay? Are you okay?" I asked, a heavy weight settling in my stomach.

She nodded, her lip wobbling slightly as she took an unsteady breath, "I'm fine, Ron's fine too. But... Harry... I don't know how to say this.... It's Draco..."

A cold wave washed over me as she said his name, "Whats wrong with him? Is he okay? I'll go see him right now, just wait Til I put my shoes on."

"Harry stop. You- you can't go see him. Harry he died. I'm so sorry, no one knew it was going to happen, he passed in his sleep I don't know wha-"

Everything seemed to slow down, I couldn't hear Hermione anymore, the room went blurry as I took a step backwards. I couldn't register the feeling in my legs as my knees buckled and I crashed to the ground.


The word repeated itself over and over in my head.

"He can't be dead. He can't be dead. He can't be dead. HE CANT BE DEAD! HE CANT BE-" My voice rose to a shout, interrupted by a choked sob that I couldn't even tell was coming from my own mouth.

Numbness spread over my body like fiend fire, turning each cell in my body to ice.  I barely felt it as Hermione wrapped her arms around me.



I couldn't breathe as my body was wracked with sobs so strong that I could feel my lungs struggling to take in air.

"No. NO! NO! It isn't true, TELL ME IT ISNT TRUE" I screamed, burying my head in Hermione's shoulder as she held me tighter.

"I'm so sorry Harry, I'm so so sorry." She said quietly, rubbing my back as I sat silently, unable to think. Unable to move.

My head spun, I couldn't see past the tears in my eyes. It's not true. He can't be gone.

I haven't had enough time with him, he's too young. He didn't get to grow up and get out of this school, to open that potions shop he dreamed of.

They took him too early.

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