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Harry's POV

"Mr. Potter, is it true that Lucius Malfoy, held you, along with Miss Granger, Mr Weasley and Miss Lovegood, captive in his cellar, during the war?"


"And Mr. Potter, is it true that Lucius Malfoy, forced his son, Draco, to aid him in the identification of you and your companions?"

My heart stopped, I had been dreading this moment. I knew they were going to ask me about him.

I clutched the water bottle I was holding in my lap, and forced myself to look into the eyes of the blonde haired man questioning me.


The man turned to face the judge,

"No further questions."

The judge nodded and flicked though a file infront of him.

He cleared his throat and spoke loudly to the courtroom, "If the jury would please return to the discussion room, to make a verdict."

The sound of the jury standing up and bustling out of the room was sickening. It all rides on them.

There will be uproar if he is allowed out. Who knows what will happen to Draco if everyone turns against him.


I held Mrs Weasley's hand as the spokesperson for the Jury stood up, a petite red haired woman, who had a pale face.

"Jury, have you reached a verdict?" Asked the judge.


"And what is that verdict?"

"The jury finds Lucius Malfoy Guilty."

"Thank you. Mr. Malfoy, you have been found guilty, and therefore will return to prison, to finish your sentence."

I sighed in relief, but the smile was wiped off my face when I looked across the room to where Narcissa was sitting, tears rolled down her face, but she didn't move. She sat frozen, her eyes trained on Lucius who was scowling as he was led out of the room.

"Harry dear. I'm so sorry but I have to get home to Arthur he isn't feeling too well."

I hugged her quickly.

"Of course Molly. Thank you for coming with me, I hope Arthur gets well soon."

"It was no problem Harry. I'll see you soon."

I nodded and smiled at her.

She stood up and followed the trail of people leaving the room.

I saw Narcissa still sitting on her own, so I decided to go over and talk to her. I'm not sure why, it probably isn't the best idea, but it's too late now considering I'm already standing infront of her.

She looked up when she realised I was there, and her expression morphed into confusion.


"Hi Mrs Malfoy."

"Are you alright?"

"Yes. I just- I just wanted to say that it was brave of you to stand up there."

"My dear, you were the brave one, you barely knew Lucius, but how did you know about Draco?"

"Oh...I uh... we're sorta umm.. like..."

She let out a soft chuckled as my face flushed pink.


"Yeah.. you've probably seen it in the prophet haven't you?"

"Yes my dear I have. But I don't mind. You've done nothing but help me and my son, so if he's happy then so am I."

"Thank you Mrs Malfoy."

"Oh call me Narcissa please dear."

"Of course. Well I've got to get going."

"Harry, I know this is putting you on the spot, but would you like to stay with us over Halloween break?"

"I would love to, thank you."

She smiled warmly, and waved at me as I retreated back down the stairs and out of the empty courtroom.

That didn't go as badly as I thought it would. Actually it wasn't really bad at all, was it?

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