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(READ THIS: so this is the latest revised version I could access as the final one wiped, so I had to put an ending in so I'm not sure if it's the same as the original sorry but it doesn't affect the chapter or Storyline)

I stood on my tip toes, peering above the heads of the crowd making its way into the great hall, when I finally spied the flash of red hair I was searching for.



She spun around and I waved at her, and she pushed her way back through the crowd towards me.

"Hey Harry. How's he doing?" She asked.

"He's in a coma, they don't know if he'll wake up but he's stable so that's a good sign." I said, trying to block out emotion.

"Oh Harry, I'm so sorry, I'm sure he'll be fine." She smiled gently.

"I hope so, have you seen Ron? I need a word with him." I said.

"No but I heard Luna say she saw him in the library not too long ago." She said.

"The library? That's not like Ron. Thanks though."

"No problem, I'll catch you later." She said.

I nodded and watched as she left, before turning and heading towards the library.

The corridors were deserted due to it being dinner time, so I didn't have to worry about bumping into anyone as I jogged towards the library.

I slowed to a walk as I entered the room, glancing around for Ron.

I moved further into the room, peering around bookshelves.

Eventually I found him, sitting in the furthest corner of the library, tucked into an armchair with the daily prophet in his lap.

I stood infront of him and cleared my throat, he looked up and his cheeks turned scarlet.

"Oh... Hi Harry." He said and gave a weak smile.

"Come on. We need to talk." I said, and didn't wait for his reply as I left the room with a brisk pace.

I stopped a short way along the corridor outside the library, and waited for him to catch up.

He appeared shortly, keeping his eyes on the ground.

"Why?" I asked.

He shrugged.

"You know how important he is to me Ron. You know. I was scared fucking shitless! And you weren't there! You're meant to be my best mate Ron! And you weren't fucking there!"

"I- I'm sorry..." He said quietly.

"Sorry doesn't cut it Ron. He tried so fucking hard to be friends with you! He was absolutely crushed when he heard what you said! What have you got against him!"

"I- I dunno..."

"You know what? Fuck you." I spat, and walked away, leaving him standing there alone.

When I turned the corner I stopped quickly to stop myself from walking into Hermione.

"Harry! There you are! I was looking everywhere Ginny said you went to find Ron."

"Yeah. I found him." I said.

"Did you two talk?" She asked.

"Yeah. I think it's pretty clear where he stands." I spat out.

"He'll come round Harry." She tried to assure me but I scoffed and shook my head.

"It's too late for that 'Mione. Far too fucking late."

"Okay. Well let's go get something to eat yeah? Then we can go back and see Draco before bed." She suggested and I nodded in agreement.

We walked together in silence to the great hall, but I stopped outside the open doors.

"Harry?" She asked.

"Do they know?"

"I- probably... Word travels fast around here."

"Okay." I said.

"Just keep your head high Harry." She said, and I nodded.

I walked into the Great Hall, and focused my gaze on the Gryffindor table, I locked eyes with Ginny and kept eye contact the whole way until I reached her and sat down.

"Hey." She said.

"Hey." I said quietly, as Hermione sat down next to me.

"Did you find Ron?" She questioned.

"Yeah. Yeah I did." I scowled and looked down at my empty plate.

It was going to be a tough run.

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