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Harry's hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me in closer, he kissed me back with such a strong passion, as though he was afraid that this would be the only opportunity he would ever get to kiss me.

I pulled back and rest my head against his. My heart racing and my breathing unsteady.

"So, I'll take that as a "I like you too" then?" Harry mumbled, a smile creeping onto his face.

I laughed and moved to stand facing him. "Sod off Potter."

"How about...no?"

I grabbed the bottle of firewhiskey that was still sitting beside Harry on the sofa, and downed the rest of it.

"Don't save me any then.. rude."

I laughed and tapped the bottle with my wand, it refilled again, and handed it to Harry. Who grinned as he too took a large swig.

I held out my hand, not really having a clue what I was doing, but he took it, and I pulled him up.

"Wow, and to think, you could've just done that in first year!" I couldn't help myself, and I remembered the first day at Hogwarts, when he refused to take my hand.

"Where would the fun have been in that?" He chuckled and I pulled him out of the room.

"Let's go."

"Go where?" Harry questioned.

"I have no clue. It's too claustrophobic in here. To the lake?"

"You're so weird."

I smacked him across the head, laughed as his hand flew up to clutch his head, and he groaned in pain.

"Oops my hand slipped."

A/N: Yes okay it was a filler soz.

XoxxoX darkdreamclouds

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