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I jumped when a hand landed on my shoulder, and relaxed when I saw it was Harry.

"There you are! You didn't come back to the compartment!" He said, a confused look on his features.

"Oh yeah. Sorry I got caught up with..." I paused, trying to think of a reasonable excuse, when Neville appeared at my side.

"With me, I needed help with charms homework I forgot to do. Sorry mate." He said to Harry, and I shot Neville a look of what I hoped looked like gratitude.

He nodded subtly and smiled.

"That's alright. We should find a carriage before they're all taken." Harry said, glancing around at the few people still getting off the train.

Neville and I nodded, and followed Harry towards the nearest carriage which, praise the lord, was empty.

We climbed inside and the carriage took off, bumping along on the gravel pathway.

"Did you see Dean's hair?" Harry asked, a grin on his face.

I shook my head and neville did the same.

"It's green! He lost a bet to Seamus and that was the price he had to pay!" Harry chuckled and I joined him, hoping it sounded natural.

Neville doubled over in laughter, which only made me actually laugh.

By the time we arrived at the castle, Neville was still wiping his eyes and chuckling to himself.

We made our way into the main entrance, and our laughter faded when we were greeted by a pale faced Professor Slughorn.

"Sir?" Harry said.

"Harry my boy! There's been a slight um... incident."Slughorn said, playing with the turtoise shell buttons on his waistcoat, his eyes glancing around the room nervously.

"An incident?" Neville said.

"Yes..Someone appears to have broken into the castle. Nothing to worry about." Slughorn blurted out, and gave an unconvincing smile.

"What'd they want?" I asked, and he swallowed audibly.

"Well...It seems they were looking for you, Mr Malfoy."

"For me? Who was it?"

"Where are they now?" Harry asked.

"What'd they say?"Neville added.

Slughorn looked taken aback, and cleared his throat. Just as he had opened his mouth to speak, Professor McGonogall appeared from the entrance to our right, her lips pursed into a thin line.

"Ah Draco, you're here. You need to come with me, you two should come too." She said, and i turned towards Harry and Neville, who both returned my anxious look.

And we set off with Professor McGonogal into the silent castle.

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