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I eyed the clock for what felt like the hundredth time that class.

Transfiguration was going at an excruciatingly slow speed, each second seemed to last an hour.

I turned and focused my gaze on Professor McGonogall, who was sitting idly at her desk, scanning her eyes quickly from parchment to parchment.

I tried to imagine what life would be like for her, trying to run a school, and teach the students transfiguration. It doesn't seem possible to be able to balance both.

For her sake and ours, I hope she finds a new teacher to cover for her, she's a wonderful teacher don't get me wrong. But she needs to be an even better headmistress. The entire school was relying on her.

I turned back to my essay and dipped the tip of my quill into the ink pot which sat perched on the corner of my table.

The Process Of Becoming A Registered Animagous.

Personally, I don't see the point in writing an essay on this topic, but every essay I do helps me become one tiny step closer to getting out of here.

Just as I had placed my quill to parchment, the bell rang. Finally. The end of the school day.

I gathered my books and followed the rest of my class to the common room.

"Hey! Hey! Draco! Draco wait!" I heard a female voice from behind me, I debated whether or not to keep walking, but I decided against it, on the offchance that it was important.

I turned to come face to face with Hermione. I raised my eyebrows, expecting to see Pansy or a younger girl, not Hermione.

"Oh hey Hermione. You alright?"
She nodded frantically, her cheeks were flushed and she was breathing rapidly, as though she had just ran.

"Yes. I wanted to talk to you for a moment. If you aren't busy."

"No no it's fine I can talk. What's up?"

She looked uneasy, glancing over her shoulder to make sure no one was within listening distance.
"It's Harry."
"Harry? What's wrong with him? Did something happen?"
"No he's fine, I just mean, I've noticed things are a bit different between you two. A bit tense?"

Of course she had noticed. I had barely spoken two words to Harry since a couple of nights ago when he saw me getting changed. He saw I was vulnerable, I didn't want to be friends with him incase he was going to use that weakness against me, I didn't think he would do that, but I won't judge a book by its cover.

"Er- well nothing happened, we've never been best mates or anything, so at least we aren't fighting." I offered up a smile which Hermione returned.

"Yes. Yes I suppose you're right. It'll take a while for you to be closer friends, I understand now. Sorry for bothering you."

"You weren't bothering me Hermione. I'm heading to the common room to drop my stuff off before dinner, if you want to join?"

She beamed at me, probably surprised at my offer. I don't know why I said it, but I need to stop being so isolated, and start talking to those around me, I would be miserable if I didn't.

"Yes of course!"

And with that, we turned and began walking along the corridor, Hermione gushing about how much she adored being back at school.

I listened as intently as I could, while my mind didn't want to focus, my thoughts kept drifting back to what she had said. Maybe he had said something to her. But nonetheless, it was safe to say that Harry, always had a way of snaking into my thoughts.

XoxxoX darkdreamclouds

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