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"HOLD ON A MOMENT" We all froze in our tracks as a loud voice sounded from a nearby doorway.

Professor McGonogall, was walking briskly towards us, her deep green robes swaying gracefully around her.

"I'm glad to have caught you all, I've just been around the rest of the common rooms, Classes have been called off tomorrow. We've had a bit of an incident in the dungeons, so they're closed for repair, and it's safest to just shut off the ground floor."

"What kind of incident" My curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn't help but blurt out my thoughts.

"Peeve's decided it would be a good idea to burst the pipes, so now the entire dungeons are flooded."

Harry snickered behind me, and I caught a glimpse of Hermione elbowing him.

"Right well, we'll be off to bed. Thanks for letting us know Professor."

She nodded and turned on her heel, walking away without another word. I stood watching her until she disappeared round the corner, and let out a loud woop, which Harry followed with a string of profanities.

Hermione sighed and shook her head, her face morphed into an expression of clear disappointment.

"Since there's no class tomorrow, I don't suppose you want to go back to the dorms and crack open a bottle of firewhiskey?"

"Sounds good to me!" I chirped in, anything would be better than this, hopefully it would be a good distraction.

"I don't know.." Hermione uttered, chewing on her lip.

"Go on 'Mione, just let loose!" Harry cracked a grin at her. And her face softened.

"Oh go on then. A glass won't hurt."

We hurried up to the dorms, not talking much on the way there.

I pushed open the door and paced over to the sofa, Pansy and Blaise were already sitting down, with Luna sitting on the floor leaning against Pansy's legs.

Neville sat beside Blaise, both of whom were bickering. And Dean and Seamus were cuddled up together in an armchair.

Ron came around the corner, and when he saw Hermione, his face broke into a huge grin and he ran towards her. Scooping her up in a hug.

Harry walked over to the cabinet, pulling out a few bottles of butterbeer. He tapped the bottles with the tip of his wand, and they transformed into bottles of firewhiskey. Smart.

He handed me a bottle and I took a drink from it, relishing as the liquid burned my throat. I settle down beside Luna on the floor, and passed the bottle to her.

After a while, the conversation became lazy and laughter filled, as the alcohol took its effect on us.

I had drank half a bottle by now, I felt free, I had become accustomed to drink, so I wasn't drunk yet.

"Hey Draco. Let's go I'm tired."

Harry too was still pretty sober.

"Yeah sure."

I stood up and followed him down the hallway to our dorm. The rest of the group were too tipsy to notice us leaving.

I took the bottle with me, wanting to finish it, I knew that the more I have in my system, the easier I'll be able to sleep tonight.

I sank down into the sofa, Harry sat down beside me.

I took a swig of the bottle and passed it to Harry who followed suit.

"Hey Draco?"


"Can I tell you something?"

I looked over at Harry, who looked worried.

"Yeah what is it."

"I like someone, but I- uh.. don't know how to tell them. I'm afraid they might get scared off."

"I'm sure you won't scare them off Harry don't worry."

"I might, me and him have gotten pretty close lately. I'm afraid of ruining things."

"Just tell him how you feel."

Harry scratched the back of his neck again, something he always did when he was nervous.

Oh shit.

"I sorta just did."

"Harry.. I don't know what to say."

"It's okay Draco forget I ever said anything. We can go back to being normal."


Harry froze.


"I don't want to be normal. I can't do this if we go back to being normal then can I?"

And without giving myself time to back out, I placed my hands on either side of Harry's face, and pulled him in for a kiss.

A kiss that we had both been waiting to share since the start of the year.

A/N: it was sorta cuter and less steamy than I originally planned but THE SHIPS SAILED ITS OFFICIALLY SAILED HAHAH


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