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Harry was still wiping his eyes by the end of the movie. I'll admit, I may have shed a few tears myself. But I sort of spoiled it for myself by reading the book first. But I wasn't planning on telling Harry that.



"I'm glad we're mates you know."

"Nice to know we're on the same page Potter. We should get going, I don't want to face McGonogall if she realises we aren't on the grounds.. or even in the country."

"Yeah good idea."

We wondered around until we found an empty alley, then disapparated, disappearing into thin air, as if we were never there.

We arrived outside Hogwarts, and hastily let go of each others hands.

The walk to the castle was brisk. The cold air cut into my skin painfully. I shivered, my body longing for the heat of the castle.

Soon enough we reached the large wooden doors, and I pushed them open hastily, to be greeted by an unimpressed looking Minerva.


"Boys. Nice of you to return to the school. You do realise that you're meant to inform me of where you're going and when."

I glanced over at Harry who looked sheepish.

"It was an impulse decision?" Harry said, but it came out as more of a question.

"Well, I'm sure you won't mind then, if I make an impulsive decision, to put the two of you in detention."

"Oh but please Professor, it was an educational visit." I blurted our before I could stop myself.

Her eyes narrowed as the looked between the two of us.

"We went to London. To uh.... explore muggle culture."

"To explore muggle culture Mr.Malfoy?"

"Yes. I've decided to pursue a career in relation to muggle studies, so I thought it would be good to get the practice in."

"Very well. The two of you may go. But next time, if you don't ask first, it will be detention."

And with that she turned and walked briskly away from us.

Harry let out a sigh of relief and we turned to look at eachother.

"Thank Merlin you said that, or we would've been stuck in detention forever."

I laughed and shook my head, starting to walk.

"Geez, don't wait for me or anything." I heard Harry mutter as he quickly caught up with me.

"Let's go back to the dorm, I actually do have muggle studies homework to do." Harry raised his eyebrows at me but didn't question.

I know it's insane, but I like Harry. And I don't know if I like him as a friend, or as more.

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