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Harry's POV:

The scarlet canopy of my bed hazily came into focus, as I pushed my glasses onto my face.

"Harry?" A voice called from beside me, causing me to jump at the sudden noise.

I turned my head, to see a small crowd of familiar faces staring down at me.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." I smiled weakly.

Blaise snorted, causing Pansy to elbow him in the side. Hermione shot a glare at Ron who had turned his head to the side in an attempt to hide his grin.

"How're you feeling Harry?" Hermione asked.

"Like I've taken a bludger to the head." I admitted.

"I think you should go see Madam Pomfrey." She said apprehensively.

I pushed myself up onto my elbows, and tried to hold back a wince as blood rushed from my head, making it throb.

"No. No I'm fine. Honest."

"C'mon Harry, you collapsed. You aren't okay." Ron said, earning an approving glance from Hermione.

"Yeah I agree. Draco would too if he were here." Pansy said.

"Leave it." Blaise warned her quietly.

Ron gulped and Hermione gasped quietly. All eyes were trained on me, and I wished the bed would swallow me whole.

"Why're you all looking at me like that?"

There was a moment of silence, before Blaise spoke up, "Well, you've been kind of... touchy... about him lately."

"What? No I haven't."

"You kinda have mate." Ron agreed.

Hermione and Pansy nodded too, and I felt a prickly heat creep up my neck, I let myself fall back into the bed.

"I just wish he'd give us a sign, you know?" I said softly.

"What do you mean?" Pansy said, concern running in her tone.

"That he's gonna wake up."

There was a long silence, and I could feel the tension thick in the air.

"Harry..." Hermione started, but trailed off.

"He will wake up. I know, and you know, we all know, he's trying his hardest." She said, breaking the silence.

"She's right mate." Ron said quietly.

"Oh yeah? You're one to talk Ron. You weren't even there when it fucking happened." I spat, and kept my eyes trained on the canopy.

"Don't..." Hermione pleaded.

I sat up, swinging my legs over the side of the bed.

"No. No he's right." Ron said.

"Maybe we should leave Pan." Blaise muttered, and she nodded.

I watched as they left the room, and let out a sigh as the door clicked into a close behind them.

"I think... I think I should go too. This is between you two. And you need to sort things out." Hermione said.

Ron opened his mouth to disagree, but she shook her head gently, and made her way swiftly out of the room, her brown hair flicking out of sight as the door closed once again.

"I'm sorry Harry." Ron said immediately.

"I...I don't know what to say Ron. It wasn't just me you hurt, but you already know that."

Ron moved and sat beside me on the bed, and the tension in the room seemed to simmer away slowly.

"I..I went to see him. Well, I went more than once..."

My heart seemed to falter, and I let the words repeat over in my head for a few moments, until they finally sunk in.

"When?" I muttered.

"The first night. And most nights since...I took your cloak the first few times...but Pomfrey caught me, and told me it was alright as long as no one saw me, and I didn't tell anyone." Ron replied, and I could almost sense the colour creeping up his cheeks.

"Why?" I asked.

"Dunno. Suppose she didn't want anyone knowing she letting me in that late, since we're meant-"

"No. I meant why did you go?" I interrupted him, and watched as his cheeks flushed a deep shade of scarlet.

"I needed to tell him I was sorry. I just- just needed to try. I don't know if he could hear me, so I went again.. and again."

I looked over at Ron, he was twisting his fingers in the hem of his grey jumper, the white of his shirt was startling against the bright red of his skin.

"Do you want to go now? Together?"I asked, the words tumbling out of my mouth before I could fully process them.

"Are you sure you're up to it?" Ron asked.

"Yeah. I just don't want to go alone... it sounds stupid but I can't talk to him. Not when he's like that." I said.

"I understand." Ron said.

We made our way to the hospital wing, walking mostly in silence. But it wasn't awkward, thank Merlin.

I paused outside the tall wooden doors, and felt my stomach tighten in knots.

"Are you sure you want to?" Ron asked.

I nodded.

He pushed the door open, and I took a gulp of air, before following him into the large room.

All of the beds were empty, apart from his.

His was tucked into the corner of the room.

The curtains already open.

I felt my breath stop in my chest as I took in his appearance from so far away.

"Harry?" I felt Ron nudge my side, and I broke out of my daze. "No point standing here all day mate, c'mon."

I stood still for a few seconds.

Watching Ron as he moved away from me, and towards Draco.

I was rooted to the spot.

A/N: wasn't meant to end like this, but it's almost 1000 words, so it'll be continued in the next chapter xx

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