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It was dinner time now.

I sat with my head resting on my cheek, my eyes trained on my plate.


I ignored him.


I ignored him again.

"Draco for fucks sake." Harry said louder this time.

"WHAT!" I shouted. Slamming my fork onto the table.

The great hall fell silent. All eyes turned to me. But I put my bead back down, and the hall slowly filled with noise again.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. I'm just tired."

"Don't lie to me."

I glanced up and my eyes met with his. God I love him. I know I've been a dick today but I have my rights to be.

"Sorry. It's just my father."

"Yeah I know. We'll get through this yeah? Together"

I nodded and smiled half heartedly, "Thanks Harry."

His brows furrowed, "For what?"

"Everything. You've made me so happy, I just don't know how to show it."

"Don't worry about it. I know you do, I love you, you know."

"I love you too Harry."

"Do you wanna go for a walk?"


Harry stood up and I followed him, grabbing his outstretched hand.

We had just reached the open doors to the great hall when a group of Ravenclaws came bustling from around the corner.

Their voices carried to us,

"Yes I read the article! Imagine demanding a retrial!" Spoke a small, red haired boy.

"I know! It's downright stupidity, there's no way he will be cleared." Replied a slightly taller, black haired girl.

"I just feel sorry for his son, it must be dreadful having the whole school talking about your father like that." Spoke a chubby blonde haired boy.

"Yeah, Yeah it is fucking dreadful thanks." I said loudly, making sure they heard me.

Their eyes shot to me and they quickly looked down with flushed faces. Hurrying to moved on past us silently.

Harry squeezed my hand, "Come on. Let's just go."


I followed his lead towards the exit. Glad to finally be nearing some open air, away from prying students, and gossiping ghosts.

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