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Harry's POV:
I stood rooted to the spot as the two aurors sprinted past, the wheels of the bed squeaking deafeningly.

A flash of blonde hair caught my eyes as the bed flew past in a blur.

I watched frozen as Madam Pomfrey rushed towards the bed, her eyes widening in shock as she looked at the figure in the bed.

I made to move forward, needing clarification of my worst fear, but Narcissa lightly clutched onto my arm.

She shook her head gently and let go of my arm, "He needs help right now. Be patient my dear, you can see him later."

She released my arm and moved into the hospital wing, the doors closed behind her.

I stood for a moment in front of the dark brown doors, feeling lost in my own head.

"Harry?" I heard someone say behind me, but I couldn't focus on them.

It was him in that bed.


I thought he'd be fine.

The worst I thought would of happened is he would have a black eye and scraped knee.

I didn't expect that.

Or did I?

I should have known.

I really really should have known that he wouldn't be fine.

God he looked dead.

That couldn't of been him that I saw in the bed.

That wasn't Draco.

That was a corpse.

Black and blue and covered in blood.

Swollen and battered.

That wasn't him.

I closed my eyes and opened them again, focusing on the present, trying to shake off the image that clouded my thoughts.

"Harry? Harry are you alright?" Hermione was standing infront of me.

I nodded and looked around, Pansy was sitting on the floor, her face pale and tear streaked, Blaise had his arms wrapped around her.

"Where's Ron?" I asked.

"He's um.. in class." Hermione said, not meeting my eyes.

"In class? Seriously?" I said, trying not to roll my eyes.

"Yeah." She said.

"Of course he is. Of course. Why am I not surprised?" I scoffed.

She sighed and shook her head gently.

I hugged her, and tried to let the anger go.

"I'm sorry that he isn't here. I really am." She mumbled into my shoulder.

"It's not your fault." I said quietly.

"What if he doesn't make it Hermione?" I said.

She pulled back from me and held my hands, "Don't you dare say that Harry. He'll be perfectly fine! He'll be back at your side before you know it."

I clenched my jaw and looked away from her, squeezing my eyes shut to stop tears from escaping.

"I'm scared Hermione. Really fucking scared." I said, and shook my head lightly, not wanting to cry.

"I know you are. But he'll be fine. Madam Pomfrey knows what she's doing, and if she needs help they'll bring someone from St.Mungos."

"Yeah. Yeah you're right." I said, and moved away from her to sit on the floor beside Blaise and Pansy.

Hermione sat down next to me, and I leant my head on her shoulder, I felt tiredness engulf me, and closed my eyes.

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