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Harry's POV

I jumped as my dormitory room door flew open, revealing a red faced Ron.

"You scared me! What're you playing at?" I said.

He shut the door behind him and sat down on my bed, trying to catch his breath.

"I was wrong." He got out between sharp intakes.

"Wrong? About what?" I asked.

"About Draco. I thought we had it worse than him, and that he was playing on it all, but he isn't." Ron said.

I glared at him, "No shit Sherlock, that's what I've been telling you for months."

"I only just saw it. He had a panic attack in the middle of the corridor and I thought he was gonna die or something, it was proper scary mate." He said, his eyebrows raised.

"Seriously? I can't believe you Ron. He's clearly been suffering all year, and you made things a hundred times worse when you were talking about him to Dean and he fucking heard you!" I shouted, feeling my face become red.

"Harry...I didn't know he heard us." He said, his voice quiet.

I let out a sigh and shook my head.

"It's too late now. It's not me you have to sort it out with, it's him." I said.

He nodded and I stood there for a moment in silence, before deciding to leave the room.

I need to find Draco. Before things get out of hand.

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