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Harry's POV:

It was day six of Draco being in a coma.

Day six of shooting piercing glares at Ron every time I saw him.

Day six of listening to the whispers of nosy students.

Day six of being treated like a child by  both teachers and friends alike.

Day six of listening to the "I'm sorry's" and the "if you need anything just ask".

Day six of wanting to scream at them because he's not dead! He's NOT FUCKING DEAD!

I was sitting in McGonogall's office, daydreaming further into a whirlpool of rage, when a cloud of dust filled the room, and I came coughing and spluttering out of my own head.

"Sorry Harry dear, I didn't realise how close you were sitting." A familiar voice broke through the room.

My eyes watered and I struggled between coughs to wipe my eyes dry, trying to make out the figure that was becoming steadily visible.

I took my glasses off and wiped them on my robes, quickly pushing them back on once the ash had cleared.

Narcissa Malfoy stood infront of me, wiping spot off the front of her grey robes, her grey hair flowing freely down her back.

She smiled when she saw me, "Sorry dear, I didn't think anyone would be in here! Minerva told me to use the floo when I wanted to come I probably should have checked first."

I laughed and shook my head, "No no it's fine. I got kicked out of the great hall so I have to wait for her here anyway."

She pursed her lips and glanced disapprovingly at me, reminding me alarmingly of Molly.

"Kicked out for what?"

"Jinxing someone."

She sighed and took the seat opposite mine, "You look pale."

"Do I?" I asked, even though I knew damn well I looked a complete state.

"You need to look after yourself Harry."

I scoffed, "I couldn't look after him though."

She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, "He isn't your responsibility Harry. He knows how to look after himself."

I didn't reply. I didn't want to believe her. But deep down I did. Draco's always looked out for himself, if he couldn't protect himself then there was probably no chance that I could.

I opened my mouth to reply, but the door swung open and Professor McGonagall walked briskly into the room.

"Ah, Mrs.Malfoy, I didn't realise how soon you would be arriving. Sorry to keep you." She said, her lips pursed as she looked over at me.

"That's quite alright Minerva, I was catching up with Harry." She smiled at the headmistress.

"I see. And I assume Mr.Potter has informed you as to why he is currently here." She said.

I kept my eyes trained on the ground, and fiddled with the loose threads on the arm of the chair I wished would swallow me whole.

"Ah.. we were just getting around to that part." Narcissa spoke softly, and I could feel her eyes on me.

"He deserved it..." I mumbled.

"What was that Mr.Potter?"

"He deserved it." I repeated.

McGonagall sighed, and sat down behind her desk.

"Harry, I know that things have been hard of late, but I simply cannot allow you to just waltz around jinxing whoever you feel like!"

"He was talking about Draco. Laughing about it like it was a joke! A BLOODY JOKE!" I shouted, my anger  spilling into my actions.

"If you had of just told me then I would've dealt with the situation." She said.

"Minerva... I think that we should excuse Harry's actions just this once. He has obviously been hurt by what has happened." Narcissa said, cutting off the eruption of words that were about to tumble from my mouth.

"Very well. Only this once Potter." She warned.

I nodded in response and let out a quiet sigh of relief, I wasn't in the mood for detention.

"If you don't mind, I'm going to go visit Draco now, I have to return home soon." Narcissa said, breaking the slightly cold silence.

"Ah yes of course. Sorry to keep you." The headmistress apologised and stood up as Narcissa did.

I struggled to my feet, my foot catching on the rug, causing me to grip the arm of the chair in an attempt to remain upright.

Minerva raised a thin brow but didn't speak.

"Harry dear, walk with me?" Narcissa asked, and I looked at the headmistress for approval.

She nodded once in response.

"Of course. Thank you Professor." I said, and led the way out of the office, holding the heavy door open to let Draco's mother out before me.

She thanked me quickly, and we made our way in silence down the stairs.

"I hate to bring it up, but if, and only if, Draco doesn't wake up within the next two weeks, we have to go to court without him." She spoke softly as we walked side by side alone the deserted corridor.

"I know...Do you..do you....you know..." I could feel a knot tightening in my stomach as the words seemed to get caught in my throat.

"Do I think he'll wake up?" She finished for me.


She sighed, and stopped walking. She stood in-front of me, her piercing eyes scanning my face. "I don't know dear. But what I do know, is that Draco is a fighter. And all we can do is hope that he can fight hard enough."

I nodded, and looked down at the ground, a sight I was becoming all too familiar with recently.

"Come on lets go." She said, and brushed my arm lightly, causing me to look up at her.

I felt unease settle in my stomach as we made our way down to the hospital wing.

Dread sinking in.

A/N: won't be updating much I have a lot of shit going on at the moment. But hopefully I'll find time.

Love you all.

XoxxoX Darkdreamclouds

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