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I woke to bright light glaring down at me, hushed voices speaking frantically beside me.

I reached a hand up to rub my eyes, letting out a groan as sharp pain thudded through my head.

"Shit 'Mione he's waking up. What if he heard wha-"

"Oh shut up Harry or he will hear you."

"Hear him say what?" I tried to speak loudly, but it came out quietly, my body unwilling to do anything which would run the risk of further pain.

"Nothing. How're you feeling? Do you want me to get Madam Pomfrey? Does anyth-" Harry began rambling.

But Hermione cut across him, "Oh give over Harry, you sound like my mother."

Harry scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"No. No I'm fine. My head absolutely killing me though."

At this Harry quickly blurted out, "I'll go see if you can get anything for the pain." And hurried off to Madam Pomfrey's office.

"Draco, what's been up with you? Why did you faint?"

"Dunno." Lies.

"Don't lie to me, I'm not stupid. But fine, if you won't tell me, i'll just go and get Harry, maybe you'll talk to him."

"NO." There was no way in hell that I would talk to Harry about what happened.

"That's what I thought, so just tell me. Please."

"I just, I was sick okay? I couldn't help it."

"Oh Draco, you were doing so well."

"Yeah I know bu- Wait what?"

Hermione didn't speak, she looked sheepish now.

"How did you know. He told you didn't he."

"Yes, but don't get mad at him please, he was just concerned, he didn't know what to do."

I sighed, leaning back against the pillow and closing my eyes. I can't believe Hermione knows too. They probably all think I'm insane. But I hope not.

"Now Mr.Malfoy. How are you feeling? Any better?" Madam Pomfrey's voice came from the other side of the bed.

"Yes. I'm fine. I'm sorry but can I go now?"

"Yes you may go, but take this potion for you headache. As far as I can tell, this was just a one off faint. This doesn't happen often does it?"

I shook my head.

"Okay, well be on your way then Mr.Malfoy."

I took the potion and downed it in one. Hastening to stand up.

It was dark outside now. Probably around 10 o'clock or so. I walked out of the hospital wing, ignoring Harry and Hermione who were trailing behind me.

It was going to be a long night.

A/N: woohoo over 300 reads, the stories growing quite quickly!!

XoxxoX darkdreamclouds

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