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A/N: THE FIRST FEW CHAPTERS are very short after this and for that I apologise but after that they aren't just as short, but short chapters are intentional.

I settled down in the compartment, I had gotten there early in order to avoid the commotion on the platform, and the murmuring and staring that I would have been succumbed to, being an ex-death eater did not give me a good reputation. People are scared of me, some don't seem to care but most of all, they despise me.

I scowled as people began to file past the window, peering in at me, turning to their companions and whispering about me. I got fed up and pulled my wand out of my pocket, flicking it towards the blinds and watching them crash closed.

I scratched my nose, the ring that sat through my nostril beginning to irritate me. I glanced up opposite me, where a mirror stretched from one wall of the compartment to the other. 
Giving me a view of my disheveled reflection.

My blonde hair sat out in all directions, black ink peeked out from the collar of my shirt, stretching from the nape of my neck down to my wrist, decorating my body, but most importantly, covering the dark mark which I had tried and failed to remove.

I had stopped slicking my hair back, and instead let it grow a bit longer, still short on the sides and back but it sat soft and untamed on my head. I had gotten my nose and cartilage pierced during summer, at the same time I had gotten my tattoo. I decided to go to a muggle shop to do it, it made me feel normal. They didn't know who I was, what I had done.

I looked different now, I am different. I'm not the stuck up prat I was. I decided that this year I'm going to stay away from feuds and useless arguing, instead I will focus on NEWTS, I will need to get a decent paying job, it will be hard enough to get a job given my past, so I need the grades to make up for it.

I laid my head back against the seat. Closing my eyes and letting out a sigh. It was going to be a long trip. 

I pulled a phone and earphones out of my pocket, I picked these up in the muggle shops, they were fascinating, but I love their music.
So much depth and variety compared to the shit we listen to.
I plugged the earphones in and hit shuffle on the playlist.

I was interrupted when a loud crash sounded from beside me. I opened my eyes and was met with a pair of sparkling green ones. Harry Potter.

I groaned and pulled my earphones out.
"What're you doing Potter?"

He looked taken aback, I suppose he had been expecting a snide comment, or a petty insult.
"I.. uh- Ron and Hermione were um... going at it a bit... so you know.."

I couldn't help but laugh as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"So you decided you'd come and annoy me then?"

"If you want me to leave then just say"

"No! I mean no it's okay you don't have to leave."I coughed awkwardly, I had sounded a bit too enthusiastic.

Harry sat down opposite me. He glanced at the tattoo peeking up from the side of my neck, then at my new piercings.

"I didn't peg you as the type of bloke to venture into muggle culture Malfoy." He gestured towards the phone lying on the chair beside me.

"Neither did I to be honest. I've realised that what my father told me about the muggles isn't true, they really are quite interesting. I didn't mean to be such a prat to all the muggle borns."

"It's okay Draco, you were only doing what you had been taught to do, I cannot fault you for that. It's in the past. We've all done things we regret."

I scoffed, Potter wouldn't know a mistake if it hit him in the face with a chair.

"You can say that twice.. what happened to Malfoy?"

"What happened to the narcissistic prat I thought I knew?"
I laughed and shrugged my shoulders.

"People change Potter. I've changed."
It was Harry's turn to laugh now.

"I like the new look you've got going on Malfoy, it's different."

"Merlins Saggy Arse Potter! Was that a compliment?"
I saw a blush creep up Harry's cheeks, and immediately regretted what I had said. Maybe he thought I was trying to flirt with him. God no.. why would I even do that. It's Potter for Christ's sake. I mean... he's not exactly bad looking. Oh who am I kidding? He's bloody gorgeous! But I would never let him know I thought that.

He didn't know I was gay, a lot of people didn't. I had only told Pansy and Blaise, both of whom accepted me openly, which I was eternally grateful for. It made me realise that in the past I hadn't appreciated either of them as friends, but that had changed after the battle, when I had time to realise that I had to stop being 'Malfoy' and just be Draco.

"Don't get ahead of yourself Malfoy. I have to ask, can I see your tattoo?"  I was taken aback by the question, but none the less, I was glad of a change of topic.

I pulled my jumper over my head, forgetting that I wasn't wearing anything underneath, not that Potter would even care, he has a girlfriend.

"Holy fuck, it's amazing! Did it hurt?"

I shook my head, pulling my jumper back on.

"Have you... have you uh- got a charm on?" My heart stopped. How could he tell?

"No Potter I don't." I pulled a sneer back onto my face and scowled at Harry.

He looked hurt, but masked it quickly as he rolled his eyes and turned away, mumbling something inaudible under his breathe.

The whistle sounded loudly and green met grey as our eyes found eachother.

xoxxox darkdreamclouds

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