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I groaned in pain as I woke up.
My ribs were aching worse than they had earlier, and my left eye was swollen so much that I could barely see out of it.

I sat up slowly, moving to sit on edge of the bed. I glanced over at the clock which read 5-37.

The door swung open to reveal a red faced Harry, clutching a plate of steaming food along with a knife and fork.

He stopped walking when he saw me awake, and the angry expression on his face fell.

"Hey." I mumbled, trying not to move my face too much.

"Are you alright?" He asked, closing the door with his foot and setting the plate down on top of the chest of drawers.

"I've been better."

He walked over and knelt down infront of me.

"I'm so sorry Draco."

"For what? You didn't do anything?"

"It's my fault. I'm your boyfriend. I'm meant to protect you."

"I'm not a delicate piece of china Harry. You didn't know that would happen. Don't worry about it."

"But I do worry about it. I worry about you. I should've walked with you. If I walked with you then I could've stopped them. Fuck I'm such an idiot."

I reached out my hands and placed them on Harry's cheeks. Wiping away the tears that slipped down his face.

"Stop Harry. It's fine, seriously. It's not your fault."

He shook his head gently and stood up, walking over to the chest of drawers and bringing the plate over.

"You need to eat."

"I'm not exactly the hungriest."

"I know you aren't, but you need to heal and food will help. Unless you want to go to Madam Pomfrey and she can fix you up."

"God no. She'll ask too many questions, and get McGonogall involved. I can't deal with that."

"I know. Luna knows some good healing magic, she'll fix you up later. But first eat."

I chewed my lip as I glanced down at the plate of food. Deep down, I know I'm not going to gain ten stone eating a few chips and a sausage, but the fear was still there.

"Please?" Harry pleaded.

I let out a sigh and nodded. Picking up the fork. God this boy will be the death of me.

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