Adrien chuckled, patting his hands against his lap nonchalantly.
"No," he sighed, his eyes shifting back over to her. "I decided to talk a lot of shit. I'm usually reserved when it comes to my position in the relationship. I mean we argue, but I never really put up a fight. I told her she was ticking me off with how she's been acting-" the male paused. His cheeks heating up all the way to his ears as he recalled how desperate she had been lately.

"I told her I was getting kind of tired of her treating my virginity as some sort of prize to be won," He reached up, running his hand through his hair. "I guess mentioning change really bothers or..." his eyes veered off to a corner. "At least, at that moment it did..."

Marinette rolled her eyes, exhaling evenly as she tried to let it roll off her shoulders.
"Still, a really dumb reason to hit someone." the blunette mumbled under her breath, not entirely caring if Adrien heard her or not.

Alas, her words didn't fall upon deaf ears. Adrien chuckled, a weary smile on his face as he glanced up at Marinette.
"I don't know," the male yawned, his elbow playfully nudging into Marinette's side. "Maybe I'm just a submissive twat when it comes to being around Kagami."

Marinette scoffed, shaking her head as her blush began to rush up to her ears. The young woman cracked a smile, quite admiring how quickly Adrien was able to turn a situation. He was honestly a breath of fresh air, especially since Marinette felt like she had been drowning for so many years. It was one of the reasons why she had fallen for him so quickly.

"Then stop being a submissive twat Adrien! I can't be known as the woman who married Paris' biggest twat!" Marinette huffed, playfully nudging him away before she stood up.

Adrien laughed softly, shaking his head as he bit his lip. The male tugged at the edges of his shirt, carefully tugging it off of his body.

Marinette widened her eyes, the pupils of her blue eyes immediately dilating as she was suddenly blessed with the visage of his tan lean muscles.

The blunette could pinpoint every plain and curve, and even as he pulled the shirt over his shoulder, Marinette was graciously in the presence of his shoulder muscles pressing together.

Her lips parted, her head heating up and ready to explode. She wanted to look away, but the way his muscles shifted under his skin beckoned her in ways she never knew she could be bribed.
"A-Adrien?!" Marinette screeched, an audible gulp emanating from her as she was finally able to bring her gaze away from him.
"W-What are you doing?!"

Adrien paused, tugging his shirt off of his forearms and tossing it to the side before he wandered to the closet to grab some fresh clothes.

"I'm just going to grab a shower. Last time I checked, we don't do that with our clothes on." The male replied, a teasing lilt in his voice.

Marinette pressed her lips together, her hands cupping her cheeks as she would have stared daggers into his back, but the daggers would have likely turned into a full blown obvious gawking.

He really was trying to kill her.

Marinette never knew she could have felt some type of way over muscles.

"Y-Yeah, but do you have to undress here?!" She asked, her heart racing painfully in her chest as she did everything she could to keep her eyes off of him.

Adrien furrowed his brow, grabbing a simple black shirt, before he shot a quick glance at the bashful blunette who hid her face behind her hand.

"Marinette," the male prompted with a light hearted chortle. "I'm not naked. It's literally just my shirt. I'm usually topless all the time when I'm at my photoshoots."

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