Her bold move

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Hello guys..here is next update of your favorite story. I have a big surprise for you. You will know once you read this chapter.

Chapter 35: Her bold move

Betrayal hurt the most. It is a dark nightmare that rob your life and cause a gaping hole in our hearts permanently. At the end all you want to do everything to erase those bitter feelings out from your soul forever that keep hurting you day in and night. But love is the most powerful force on earth. It can move the mountain and make the world sparkle around you with joy.

Arnav's POV-

I never thought a day will come when I got a chance to heal her. At Least there is a ray of hope someday she may forgive my sins and accept me as her life partner. Not for me, but for Chahat. As a lover I failed her but as a husband and as a father, I will give her everything I snatched in the name of revenge. Meera is changing. No! My Khushi is changing. A mother inside her slowly changed her. He smiles to himself daydreaming about his Khushi.

He get mesmerized admiring his two princess playing hide and seek outside while what he is doing. Like a fool, standing at the corner mesmerized at the pleasant sight.

''Thank you Khushi, Thank you for accepting our daughter.'' He sigh.

According to her, Chahat is Ananya's daughter. Still she get so attached to her. If she showered so much love to her thinking it's ananya's daughter, one cannot imagine to what extent she will love her once she will know it's her real daughter.

''Papa..come na..see mumma is doing ramanchi..shcold her.." Frown mini Khushi.

"Oh hello...Papa Stop bad eyeing my mum and come here now!!'' I get embarrassed. My chota packet become naughtier day by day. Once again she caught me red handed.

"May I know why you always staring Mumma chupke chupke..this is bad manners..see you making her blush.."

''Phere are you lost?'' Ask Chahat shaking me again. But I couldn't take my eyes off her. My Khushi is looking absolutely stunning in my favorite red dress. I get conscious as Khushi too watching me. There is a smile on her face.

What the hell! Why is she smiling? Is there something on my face. I check in the glass. There is nothing. Wait a minute. What did my toddler said? Khushi is blushing. I glance at her to confirm. Chahat is right. She is really blushing. Is she okay? Is she sick? Is she?? Many questions crossing my mind while analyzing her odd behavior. It's not the first time. She is actually behaving weird from past few weeks. I need to ask her. But if I do she will again blast me and then show attitude saying to stay out of her matter.

But I can't stay calm. She is making me uncomfortable in front of Chahat. I need to stop this. This is getting beyond my control. What is cooking inside her devil brain? Is she planning something?

Slowly I advance to her but as usual she runaway like every other day.

What the! She winked at me. How dare she flirt with me. She really become mental. What is wrong with my wild tigress. Few days ago, she is ready to bite me like a lion. But now..? I need to talk to her before she will make me mental as well.

In kitchen area:


When she didn't reply, I go near her. She is preparing something. I guess that's why do not hear me. So I call again.


Damn why is she ignoring me. I can't take this anymore. Striding toward her, I call her again. No reply.

Desire To Make You Mine- Season 2 (Completed on Inkitt)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon