Dhak dhak

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Chapter 51: Dhak Dhak

She is stunned, shocked, paralyzed to react. All her fears and agony fresh up. Flashes of the past start rolling like a film starting from their first meet till the last time she saw him lying on a hospital bed. She clutches the table for support as the burden of pain is too much to hold. She tries to ignore looking at him but he hold her gaze so strongly she couldn't tore her gaze from him.

Both keep staring at each other for a quite longer time. His intoxicating gaze hypnotized her. Abhinav cleared his throat. But it didn't help much. But are so lost in speaking through eyes, they give no attention to the third person who was staring at two lost lovers like an owl.

Abhinav: Mam..This is Asr. Asr, This is my Mam, Meera Mam. (First he look at his Mam and then at Asr. They are lost)

No reply.

Abhinav: Can we start the meeting?

Again no reply.

His mouth drop opened. He gazed at them in disbelief. Why no one was paying attention to him. On top of that, why do they freeze? Are they playing the statue statue game? Wow..I love that game. I also want to join.

Abhinav: Mam..Mam..Can I please play this game with you? (He is more interested in Meera Mam as he has a huge crush on her. But getting no reply, he is feeling bored and began moving his eyes here and there.)

He snatches his head and slowly comes forward to break the ice.

Abhinav: Mam..Mam...sir..sir..? Does anyone hear me? He tried one more time by waving his hand in front of them.

God! What is wrong with them..? Mam..Mammmm... He almost screams, breaking their strong reverie. Khushi jumped out of the skin with her eyes widened in shock. Arnav is the last one to get back to senses. She gets awkward, not knowing what to do and how to get rid of this situation. There is a complete silence between them.

Abhinav: Thank god Mam..you are okay..(He continued chattering making Khushi more embarrassed in front of him.) You know it's so thrilling to see both of you drowning at each other like two lovers who are deeply and madly in love. Do you really know him, Mam? Please tell me I want to know your love stor-- (His words left incomplete when Meera's deadly glare fell upon him.)

Abhinav gulped and preferred to leave from there. While Khushi did not dare to look at Arnav again and she started recollecting her things from the table. Anyhow she has to get away from this place.

Arnav: I know what you are thinking..? (He said and bent down to her in order to help her as she was searching something under the table.) May I help you?

Khushi: No Thankksss..I wi...ll mana..ge.. (Her hands shivered and her heart started opposing her.) ''Stop it Khushi just stop it. Don't look at him, grab your file and get rid of this place as soon as possible. You can't love him. You can't let him enter your life..'' She consoles her weak heart.

Arnav: Did you say something? (Shocking, she shakes her head in denial with her eyes down.) Relax Kh..I mean Meera..You don't have to feel awkward..I can help you.

Why is he being so sweet? He should hate me? He should loath me for what I did to him.

Arnav: Meera..Are you okay?

The word 'Meera' Pricked her. For him, she is only Khushi but to her bad fate, she cannot reveal how much she loves him.

Arnav: Excuse me I am talking to you, not with the walls. Look at me madam. (But she ignores meeting his gaze as there are tears in them. Tears of love..Tears of helplessness..Tears of longing..tears of craving..) Never thought we would meet like this.

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