Love finds it's way

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Hello guys..I am back with yet again mind-blowing update of my favorite story. In last update many have a confusion regarding Arshi first baby. So I am giving you clarification. In season 1 Khushi got pregnant of Arnav's child when they make out in a farmhouse for the very first time. After spending one night together, Khushi got pregnant. She thought it was Rishab, her fiancee But the man was Arnav. Due to darkness in a room, she unable to see his face. It was all arranged by Anjali as she wanted to save Khushi from Evil intention of Rishab. From that day, Khushi started hating Arnav as she thought he took advantage of her. After some month Rishab got to know about her pregnancy. But Khushi was unaware. He and kaira (Arnav's first girlfriend) made a plan to kill Arnav. But he survived and return to take revenge from Khushi thinking it was Khushi who try to kill him. But that one night stand causes deep impact on Khushi as she thought now she don't deserve Rishab. She went under depression and admitted to Rihab centre. Rishab used to give her some medicine. Due to this, she was not under her senses. She don't even know about her pregnancy. Only Arnav knows but he thought that child didn't survive as according to him, he think Khushi hates him and took revenge by killing his child while in season 1 Rishab confessed that he killed that baby. So does that baby survived or not..this is a mystery. 3 years later after that imcidence, Arnav come back to make khushi's life miserable thinking Khushi killed his baby and she is the reason of his sister death. He made Khushi stay with him like a mistress..After this, Khushi get pregnant again and little Khushi came. Rest you know.. But does their baby survive or not, it is still a mystery and how it is with Ananya. You have to wait for it. Hope now your confusion get cleared. If still any doubt then drop comment under this post I will reply you..

Giving you longest update..It took me two days to write. That's why it take time to post it..Hope you will like it.


            Chapter 61:  Love find it's way

Sun rays flashed on her face, making her to slowly open her eyes. Her head is arching terribly. The soft voice of a lady made her look at her.

Nurse: ''How are you feeling now?'' Upon seeing her uniform, she looks tense and observes the surroundings. She looks confused and doesn't know how to react. Nurse handed over medicine with a glass of water. ''It's like a miracle you are alive without any serious injury. It is the power of your loved ones that you are perfectly fit and fine otherwise whoever underwent such a major accident won't survive without any serious injuries. Now you take rest..give me the contact number of your family I will inform them.''

Her heart ached brutally hearing the word FAMILY.

Nurse: What happened?

Khushi: I am that unlucky woman who has no family..I am all alone in this world..

Nurse: But the man who saved you said and him..


Nurse was about to say when in a sudden someone barged in.

''Doctor is calling you in ward no 4'' Another nurse exclaimed and she dismissed soon after.

Due to the sedative effect, she went to a deep sleep. Next day, she slowly opened her eyes and saw the surroundings. Doctor is monitoring her. Recollecting a recent set of events it made her panic to realize she lost her letter.

''I want my letter..I want my...lette..rr..''

Seeing her state, the doctor instructed the nurse to inject her. She threw the needle on the floor and struggled to get up from bed.

Doctor: ''What are you doing miss..Your injury is not healed..You need proper bed rest..''

Khushi: ''No! I want my letter back..It's the only source of my survival.''

Desire To Make You Mine- Season 2 (Completed on Inkitt)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن