Face to face

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Chapter 10: Face to face

A harsh sound echoed in the mansion letting everyone jerk in fear. Meera turn into wild tigress after what had happened outside the restaurant. Every single servant currently bearing the wrath of lady don who was throwing things one after other to the ground leaving all the articles lay scattered on the ground. Who will believe one tiny kitten has so much guts to mess with our hitler boss which no one ever had.

Ishita went astonished hearing her side of story. She wanted to chuckle but immediately controlled it.

At the same time, she is worried and tensed for that little girl who had no idea what is she planning against her. She had dared to wound Meera big fat ego and definitely she will do something dangerous.

Ishita: Meera for god sake..Stop it..you will hurt yourself.. 

Arzoo trembled seeing this side of Meera. Fearfully she hugged Ishita by her waist and she caress her back whispered some soothing words.

Ishita: See how you're scaring her.

Meera: That's why i hate kids..I HATE THEM.. 

She seethed uncontrollably breaking another vase with full force making little girl jerk up out of skin. 

''Mumma..'' Arzoo cried. Meera suddenly feel her throat constricted with emotion as the thought of her own child brought back several memories to her brain.

Ishita, noticing her vulnerability, signal everyone to dismissed off and one of one them, lead Arzoo back to her room.

Ishita stepped forward and touched her shoulder that was immediately being shrugged off from Meera.

Meera: I don't want anyone sympathy..Get lost!

Ishita: But Meera...yo--u

Meera: I said leave.. She turned but stopped feeling guilty by what she had said previously.

Ishita: I'm sorry meera I didn't meant to hurt you..Are you upset with me?

Meera: No!

Ishita: Then what's the matter. Why you are so angry? That school girl have not got good upbringing..Don't give so much important to that batameez and spoil brat..

Meera: Shut up! Don't say a word against her. (Said a mother in khushi instead of Meera)

Ishita: You're defending her who first put mud on your face and then puncher your car. (Now this is something she hadn't ever experienced or imagined. Certainly It is not in her nature to support someone so openly.  

Meera felt a sudden rage and fury when Ishita accused her. Even she don't the reason but something burned inside her

What's the matter. You can share with me?  

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