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Chapter 79: Miscommunication

"Why Arnav Singh Raizada..Why..Why did you lie to me..Don't you know how much I hate this word LIE...This one word destroys my life and you again.."

"No Khushi" He came forward to express his side but she just stepped back.

"A relationship is based on trust and understanding. Whenever I begin to trust you..you.."

"Enough Khushi." He grabbed her shoulder angrily. "You think I am again playing with your feelings. My love is fake, right?" His voice turns shallow and pain pouring out through each and every inch of his soul clenching his heart. She looks into his eyes and sees the effect her small accusation has on him.

"Are you regretting submitting yourself to me? Are you regretting our love making? If yes then do let me know, I will go away from your-.." She stopped him from saying further. Tears rolled down from her eyes. shook her head. "Yes you do. Otherwise You never say what you say to me. Once again I hurt my Khushi." He misunderstood her tears and stepped back.

"No Arnavji..I didn't mean.." He showed his palm causing her to stop. She gets fearful seeing his state. He is not at all Okay. Her words really broke him.

"I trust you, Arnavji" He chuckled in pain.

"I did it all just to see you smile. I starve only and only for you. For your one smile, I am ready to die..but once again I failed. I failed to keep you happy. You again end up shedding tears because of this monster."

She felt guilty and wanted to embrace him, erase his pain and shower him with love. But in a blink of a second, he just disappeared from her sight.

"Hey devimaiyaa Arnavji kaha chale gaye.." (Where does he go?)

She began to call him on the top of her voice but he was nowhere to be seen. Their palace is like a riddle. All the pathways are alike. Only her husband knows the entry and exit of this palace. The rooms look similar. He is supposed to be near the beach area. She needs to go behind him and clear his misunderstanding. But how? When she starts moving ahead, she returns back to the same spot. No servants able to help her. She has no idea how to reach him and tell him what he thinks is not true. She is not regretting accepting his love. In Fact she is blessed to have him as her life partner. It's her stupidity that brought that trust issue topic. She got tensed thinking about him. Many miserable thoughts crossed her mind.

His words keep ringing to her ears. He is too weak. Few hours ago, he fainted and in such a state, instead of giving love and care, she fought with him. How stupid I am!

"I have to reach him otherwise he..." The fear of losing him once again scares her.


It has been more than 2 days, Michael is not talking terms to Ananya. After that incident in that man's house, she is burning in guilt. Most of the time he stays out and comes home late at home heavily drunk. Before she wakes up, he again leaves home. It continues for many days, but now it is going beyond her tolerance level. She is dying to meet him and ask forgiveness for her mistake. She should not have trusted that stranger and gone to his house. If Michael didn't come on time, that bastard would have raped her. That horrible thought trembles her to the core.

"Thank you Michael..Thank you.." She apologizes to her husband who is still asleep. She ruffles his silky hair and smiles. When she tried to move away, she felt his hand tightened around her. She gasped and tried to struggle. Instead he hugged it and mumbled.


"Again chinki..who is she? I am not the only Chinki in this entire world. Why would he call me chinki..he doesn't know me. I have never met him before. But why do I feel I know him? Stop it Ananya. Definitely he loves some other woman. Here I am trying to be cordial with MY HUSBAND while he is taking some other woman's name. Stupid man! She frowns and tries to free herself. Sitting on the floor near his bed, she stared at him for quite a long time trying to read his face. He expresses a lot of emotions through his actions which she is trying to analyze.

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