A ray of hope

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Thank you so much for all your love and support on both the season. I will try to give you regular updates. Since i'm quite unwell, unable to sit at one place for long due to muscular pain, update get quite delayed.

 Since i'm quite unwell, unable to sit at one place for long due to muscular pain, update get quite delayed

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Banner credit goes to Koeli dalmiya 


Chapter 4: A ray of hope

Outside operation theatre-

He lost the battle. Once again everything slipped out of his hands. His breathing turn harsh when doctor revealed the drastic condition of Sumitra ma swinging in the edge of life and death. There is no hope. Chances of her survival are less. Those words tore him. She is also going.. Every person he loved punished by his deeds.. Why????

He became numb with his eyes staring her through the glass.

Everything went off the balance. Why god snatched everyone he loved? He don't want to lose his sumitra ma.

Several unwanted thought crossing to his mind with his hand shivered to even imagined his life without ma who is more than her family to him. He know the pain of getting orphan. His dad died, mother died and Khushi too died in front of his eyes. But he failed to saved them. He have no strength to went through the same AGAIN.


The grip on his hand turn wild when out of somewhere a tiny soft hand gripped him. Without opening his eyes, he may feel her presence.

''Papa..no cr..rr..yy..pall...ee..zzz..'' Said chahat.

He open his eyes and look at her with reddening eyes. At the same time, she struggle to let go off the nails pricking his skin so that it won't hurt him. His one smaller pain make her restless what will happen that day she will know the intensity of pain and sorrow he pour out to her mother? Will she forgive him that day?

''If you cry..I cry..'' She pouted sadly and was about to burst out into crying when immediately he get hold of her and put her into his lap, hugging her tight.

''No baby..s..shhh..papa will not cry..pakka..'' She smiled lightly and look back at him while he immediately gulped out his pain putting a brave smile.

''That's like my macho papa..uff i forgot..'' (She slap her head before continuing) ''I send complaint letter to DM..Although signals were quite weak, still i successfully managed to....'' Said chahat and continue her cute chatter box but then become numb not getting any response by his side. She turn his face and noticed something bothering him.

''Cheating..cheating..cheating..You plom..ise you..no..cry..'' She charged him after wiping the unleashed tears off his face and frown. He look at her with love and kissed her forehead.

Desire To Make You Mine- Season 2 (Completed on Inkitt)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt