Battle begins

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Chapter 29: Battle begins

Khushi: Leave me Asr.

Arnav(holding her tightly): Not this time.

Khushi: You can't force me to be-- (Her words left incomplete as she felt his finger on her lips. Baffled by the sudden behaviour made her to slant her head and she look into his desire filled eyes.)

Arnav: I have heard you enough and let you do whatever you wanted to do. But not this time. You know why? Because i have a desire to make you mine. (In no time she found ground slipping under her feet and he drag her to the lonely dark streets.)

Khushi: Where are you taking me. What do you want?

Arnav: YOU.

His sudden remarks baffled her. Her body went stiffened for a moment by his audicity. He stop walking on reaching the hut which is unknown to her. On entering inside, he made her lay on the hay of grass like bed arranged in the middle.

Khushi: Why are you doing this? Let me go.

Arnav: what's so hurry baby.

The intensity and passion is clearly evident to her. She get up instantly after shrugging his hands off her and prepare to runaway. Agitated Asr held her hand immediately, trapping her both hands on the floor and moves on top of her.

Arnav: Don't test my patience.

She began fidgeting, not knowing how to get rid off him. At the same time staring him back trying to figure out what he is actually planning into his evil mind..

Arnav: Don't look at me like this else you will fall in love with this monster. (She tore her gaze fighting back using her hands and legs. He smiles and stroke her face with his rough hands) I just want you. Only and only for me.

Khushi: I will die rather than being yours. You can't make me your mistress again. Did you understand. (She screams on top of her lungs out)

Hearing her statement, he left her shoulder and it give her opportunity to runaway. But the moment she took her one foot forward, he grab her forearm twisting her back to face him.

Arnav: How dare you tag yourself by such disgusting name. You are chahat's mother and i wanted you back into my life. I love you dammit.

Khushi: Truth is bitter Mr raizada. Ek vaishya kabhi kisiki maa..kabhi kisiki patni nahi ban sakhti. (A prostitute never become a mother or wife) Remember? This is what you told me 3 years back.

He closed his palm in a tight fist and took a long breathe to calm him before moving his eyes back to his lady love who is running away from him.

Arnav: Where will you go? You have to come back to me by hook or crook.

Khushi ran as fast as possible across the dark woods of jungle, turning back time to time whether he was behind her or not. She is pleased to realized he is nowhere to be seen. Thanks to her almighty, she got escaped.

''You lose Mr raizada..You lose..'' She said out loud as she ran. Before smile adorn her face, she slammed against him.

Reflexively he held her waist and prevent her from falling. He was holding her slender waist and observe her scared face. Her eyes were closed. His hot breathe brushed against her skin making her to register where she had landed into. She is still breathing heavily, not due to running but being trapped into his cage.

Khushi: No! (He smile in victory)

She didn't dare to look at him again. Monster is back in him who snatched everything from her and she fear he may harm her again. Scarefully, she move away and cover her dupatta tightly around her chest from his heated gaze.

Desire To Make You Mine- Season 2 (Completed on Inkitt)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora