Turbulent emotions

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I know I am very very late. I am busy currently in taking classing 8 hours every day. That's the reason no updates since so long. Will try to draft whenever i get free for you. Extremely sorry for this delay. This update I have written long ago but posting it now. Please do read it and comment if you liked it. For my readers, I am giving you long update.

Chapter 33: Turbulent emotions

''Are you coming or should I break the door?'' Arnav said.

''Go and fuck your bitch wife and spare me'' She shouted back. Ignoring her accusation, He laughed. Her anger filled voice clearly sensed to me. She is certainly burning in anger.

''What the hell! How bloody dare he! I just hate you Arnav singh Raizada.'' Khushi uttered to herself. Her habit of talking herself is still the same. He smile adorably. My Khushi is still the same- Cute and innocent.

''Hate as much you want but YOUR ARNAV will always love you..'' He stressed it out loud to make it audible specifically.

''JUST SHUT UP..YOU ARE NO-ONE TO ME''. Khushi said.

''Instead of shouting at me, do the task which is in your hands.'' Arnav said wearing a mischievous grin on his face with folded arms. At this precise moment he is looking like a love sick puppy. Without seeing her, he can predict how much she is mad at him.

He stood right across the closed bathroom door like a glue which is the only hindrance between them.

The thought of wearing saree brought several old memories back to her. Her heart go dhak dhak as she remember those days when they were so close and are so much in love. No! It was a one sided love. For him, she was like an article that he used days and nights in the name of love and revenge. Feeling angry upon herself for such irrational thoughts, I kicked the wall out of frustration.

If he stays around me, Khushi inside me might come out which Meera never let it happen. She roared, scream, shout at him but he didn't move.

''Baby..come out fast..You know how stubborn your Arnav is. I get whatever I desire and you are my lifetime desire so better stop shying like a bride. It doesn't suit the great Meera Shergil. You have wasted several years running away from your love. I want to see you in that saree..''

''What is your problem? Being a married man, how can you..I hate those who cheat their wives..Listen Arnav I am telling you one last time go back to your wife..It will be good for you..'' yelled Khushi in a warning tone.

God! Now he is fed up with her chanting wife..wife..wife..How to spoil mood one should learn from this woman.

''You are still standing..?'' Fumed Khushi.

''Yes I'm very much here, why you have a problem? I', going anywhere until I see my wife into that saree..Arnav Singh Raizada have interest on only one woman but she is not allowing me to..-''

''Shut up and get lost!!!!!!!''

''Not until you come out. Your screaming is not going to change anything, it will only increase your Bp. It is not good to make your husband wait during night-time. Come fast otherwise i will eat you up..'' He said with a mischievous grin.

''Never!'' Kicking the door through her leg from back, she rage in anger.

''Ok then I am coming in..Oh ya i forgot to tell you there is a special lock system for every room including washroom and the most amazing thing is that keys are with me..moreover it's being long since we had taken bath together..'' Blood drained from her face when she heard it and immediately turned to the locked door.

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