Chapter 43: The Truth Can Be Lackluster At Times

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Naked Bells were floating in the tanks of fluid, all unconscious and clean of any dirt and scars, unlike the Bell I knew. I approached the closest container to me, before leaning close to the glass with squinted eyes. Yeah, no doubt about it. Not sure why I got so close despite my eyesight was sharper than even satellite cameras, but they definitely were Bell.

Despite their natural bodies that were untouched by the stains of civilization, a metal cable stuck out. Literally. Their body was attached to some sort of cable that buried deep into the nape of their necks. It was a singular cable, but it was more accurate to describe it as a cable made up of numerous wires, I suppose.

I was unsure of how to react to this entire scene, honestly. On one hand, it explained a lot as to why Bell was such a lunatic. On the other, should I be disgusted over human—or rather, elf—experimentation? I mean, I was responsible for ordering the killing of several thousand soldiers. So before I was fully aware of what this whole thing was for, I felt it would be hypocritical of me to say anything.

That realization just made me really, really depressed for some reason...

In the first place, this could be something meant for good. Highly unlikely, but there was a possibility. No, wait! I shouldn't be worried about the morality of this first! What the heck were tanks containing Bells doing in the basement of a headquarter meant for the slave trade!? Did I stumble into the wrong building!? I didn't, right!?

Well, let's not freak out about it. Let's gather some information before I do. Wait, why has it been already decided that I will!? Anyway...there was a strange room located at the other end of this lab, which luckily didn't have any doors, so perhaps that was a place to start.

I walked into the room flooded by a mess of paperwork, all of which was piled upon each other in a horrifying recreation of mount Everest. Nooo! This was giving me flashbacks of my office back on Eden! I don't want to read all the reports! I don't wanna!

Suppressing my urge to run, I picked up the most isolated report of them all, most likely a recent one. I was slightly surprised by the high quality paper that was utilized, but perhaps it was easier to manufacture things in a world with magic. Or some dude reincarnated and enlightened the world with modern knowledge. I wonder if there were others that stumbled into this world like me? Hopefully not. That'll be awkward.

Anyway, as I continued flipping through the binder, my headache got worse as I processed all the mumbo jumbo. I failed biology for a reason! You didn't have to mock me for it, scientific report! Simplify these terms, or how will the hero save the Bells once he discovers this!?

Ugh. I needed someone to translate this for me. I could make out the individual words and roughly estimate what they were saying, but when I had to read paragraphs upon paragraphs of it, my brain was starting to fall apart. Want to try, readers?

"Subject BHN-NH-344A showed signs of liquidation awakening after satisfactory doses of the given substance. She remained unresponsive, but spirit levels has matched that of a creature's pace. Recommend removal of the origin organ for future experiments."

It was manageable to understand, sure. As for the implications of it, I have no idea. Was this even biology anymore? I don't know, honestly. In any case, I needed a professional to interpret this. Hm...oh, one of my specialized NPCs should be more than enough. How about one of the five hundred I created, Yue?...Yeah, probably not. She was more likely to suck those bodies dry first when she comes here. If I really had to, I will bring these reports back.

As I attempted to retrieve another report, I nearly tripped over an object laid across the floor. Cursing at how my clumsiness still wasn't solved after being thrown into this body, I gazed down at the object that was probably laughing at me. It was a mess of multi colored wires, all tied together regular intervals so it would form a singular long cable, not much different from the ones in the Bell tanks.

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