Chapter 3: The First City

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"But princess, for you to go to the city personally is a bit...!" Jibril objected.

The standard for any alternate world transportation story was to visit a city first, ain't it? Well, I wanted to go too. But as one would expect, my subordinates are against it.

Well, what was the harm? If I inherited this bodies' superhuman senses, that I was sure I inherited its skills too, so I should be able to fight back.

If there really was an enemy that could surpass me, then I could call in my guild anyway. But I preferred not too. The image of a medieval city getting bombarded by modern day artillery was too scary.

"If it's information that is needed, the Intelligence Division can handle it!" Aura protested as well.

I shrugged, "It's fine, isn't it? I can handle myself. If Eden's illusion and misdirection spells have yet to be discovered by the people of this land as Aura reported, then it's likely they won't be a match against me."

Although that was completely an excuse. I still haven't found the chance to experiment with my combat capability yet, so I didn't know the extent of my skills. Could I fight on instinct? Or would it rely a bit on myself? If it was the later, it might be bad. But still...

"Besides, I don't have to go alone," I pointed out.

"Then, the first to tenth armored divisions!" Rin suggested. "Also, the first to tenth carrier strike groups! They've finishing refueling minutes ago! Finally, fifty air wings!"

Oi, that's nearly all of the non-reserve Modern Armed Forces.

"Don't forget the Old Guard!" Jibril nearly shouted. "All the magic mixed infantry, dragon strike force and sea dragon fleet!"

Now you're not even trying to hide it!

"That's too much. My goal is to explore the region in the first place. I'm trying to experience the situation firsthand," I chided. "I'll take...Jibril, considering she's the strongest without any equipment."

A satisfied expression washed over Jibril's face, while the other two have tragic expressions like they just saw their families getting slaughtered. Was it really that serious...?

"I get it," I said, getting their attention. "I'll allow the Modern Armed Forces and some of the Intelligence Division to follow."


I held up a hand, stopping them before it gets out of hand, "No, not the entire force. I'll only a single company of the tanks to be stationed outside of the city. Did I make myself clear? A single company. And outside. They also have to be concealed, so MBTs with forest camo are preferred. I'll also only allow a single flight of aircraft with cloaking capabilities. Carrier strike groups are definitely out of the question."

I absolutely could not have people of the fantasy medieval age witness main battle tanks rolling around. Well, the citizens at least. I might have to use them during a military confrontation as a deterrent, but I pray it wouldn't come to that.

"Princess!" Rin objected again. "At least the submarine force!"

"...I'll allow three nuclear submarines. But that doesn't mean you're authorized to launch nuclear missiles! In fact, you are banned from carrying any nuclear armament!"

I heard the clicking of a tongue. Were you planning to bring nukes in the first place!? Unlike Lune, this world probably doesn't have accelerated world repairing spirits, you know!? I say that, but it's more like a feature of the game. Since it would be quite boring if we ended up playing in a wasteland after a few days, after all.

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