Chapter 2: I Knew It...

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"Really...just how did things end up like this?" I sighed, splashing a bit of the water out of the bath.

Turns out, it wasn't a shower, but a bath. As expected, huh? Until I figure out a way to return home, I suppose I have to get used to this. In fact, do I even want to go home? No idea. I was currently leaning towards no, but we shall see. 

As for my investigation, the places of the palace I checked before entering the bath were nearly identical to the one in the game, and if there were differences it was probably the alteration of a virtual game and reality. So nine times out of ten, I was very likely in Eden. Or rather, on Eden.

Why that kind of phrasing? Because Eden was a city. Floating in the sky. The guild Eden's home base was a metropolis somewhere between the size of New York and Tokyo. Yup. I have no idea how such a thing could stay afloat, but according to the setting of Brave New World, these islands were remnants from the age of the ancients.

Don't worry, I'm sure we'll have a lot of opportunities to describe the floating city later on. I'm a bit tired now, so let me enjoy my bath, okay? There's more important stuff for me to check, anyway.

It was a bit surreal that I was in the sky, but I was still trying to absorb everything that had happened to me, so the shock has yet to reach me. Well, I suppose I'll go to my advisers after this. Let's figure out what kind of place I was in.


I entered a room with Jibril, Rin and Aura all kneeling down in respect. To be honest, the room I had selected was just a guest room, because I seriously did not want to go meet the rest of my subordinates. Nope. Anyway, they started to give their their reports, informing me of some rather dizzying implications.

"So this world is fundamentally different from Lune? However, magic and the laws of physics are similar?" I attempted to confirm, while staving off my headache.

"Yes," Aura shook her head vertically. "Even the planets are different, as the space fleet reports."

"What of the surroundings of this place?"

This time it was Jibril who answered, "We only investigated the environment around Eden, so we didn't interfere with the locals, considering there were no orders from princess. The temporary council established in your absence decided it was best to await your return before touching this world that is rightfully yours."

Rin handed me a report like a disciplined soldier, "Of course, we were forced to establish a naval base for the Modern Armed Forces, since our navy is too massive to be all stored on Eden. The Old Guard's ships were also stored there. The base is in an unvisited and unclaimed area of the ocean, and no missions other than maintenance and supply were conducted. Something similar is also done by the Imperial Armada, but the details should be reported by Horizon."

So they've kept interference to the minimum, huh...But I couldn't quite praise their reason for doing so. The world is rightfully mine!? There was something wrong with that kind of thinking, wasn't there?

I mean, if this world's inhabitants is stronger than ours, then it'll be bad. However, from how we haven't been noticed for two hundred years, it probably was fine after all? Hm? Wait, two hundred years?

"Rin, Aura. The mortal races didn't age while I was asleep?" I tilted my head.

"Of course not! It's all thanks to princess' protection even while she was asleep!" Aura said, filled to the brim with emotion.

Was there such a setting? Well, let's not think too much of it. My head will break if I do.

"More importantly, Your Majesty!" Jibril said excitedly. "Everyone is gathered at the square! They await the sight of your return!"

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