Chapter 40: Insanity Is Contagious

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The last of the battleships were the arguably legendary Iowa-class battleships, although some claim the active service Kirov-class battlecruiser could be similar to battleships. Anyway, the Iowa-class, specifically the lead ship of her class Iowa, was developed in 1939, while it was only ever launched in 1942. Despite receiving numerous retrofits leading up to the turn of the century, its hull largely remained the same old battleship of the WWII era.

With that brief history lesson over, one should be relieved to find that battleships didn't pose as much of a threat as modern tanks and fighters did to the natives of this world, right? Well, relatively at least, in terms of effectiveness at killing. After all, the technology was dated, right? Wrong! Naive, readers! Naive! You should never expect something so tame from Brave New World developers!

Oh, what's that? Outdated hull? Then develop a new one, using the preexisting naval vessel blueprints and protocols as a starting point! Expensive with low payoff, I hear? Who cares? It was a game, so make the players grind for it! Slap the biggest guns you can find onto the battleship, and pack it with the thickest armor so the players will care! Weak to air power, you say!? Let's see how planes like attacking a ship with enough SAMs to last an entire day of continuous firing!

Yeah. That probably was how the boardroom meeting went when they were discussing the naval patch of Brave New World. Battleships in Brave New World might as well be floating fortresses, since in games things were typically min maxing without a concern for things like resources. The end result was a ship built with the mightiest technology available, with a single battleship able to sink an entire armada without one.

Oh boy, don't even get me started on custom player designed battleship classes. That was an entirely different ball game altogether. There was a perfectly good reason why modern naval warfare in Brave New World was coined as 'slugfests', because that was how absurd it was. It was basically a repeat of the dreadnought era, when the British and Germans tried to one up each other with dreadnought counts.

It was realistic in that aspect, I suppose. Still, at some point you would wonder where the carefully plotted out tactics of carrier centered warfare disappeared off to, and when did naval warfare became throwing battleships and carriers at each other until the other side bled out.

Granted, modern era naval warfare in Brave New World was pretty accurate...when it came down to standard engagements, that is. When it was guild war time, it was basically multiple fleets engaging each other for one decisive strike, so you could see how that would turn out...

What I was trying to say with all of that mindless rambling, was to complain about how strong battleships were. So it shouldn't be said how effective they were when you matched them against ships made from wooden planks. And yet...

Why did you guys bring the strongest battleship class we had to this region!? One of the two battleships fielded by Eden that boasted the heaviest firepower and thickest armor belts!? The sister ship to the flagship of the Modern Eden Navy!? A battleship so absurd that the production costs of one nearly made me, a veteran end game player, go broke!?

The Kassogtha, a ship of the Cthulhu-class battleship, was a custom made vessel designed by me and several veteran players, with the intention of just breaking the naval warfare system. It got so out of hand that the developers had to place a two Cthulhu-class ship restriction on all guilds, because simply nerfing the modules would cripple other ships that utilized such modules.

Do you understand!? It was so broken that they couldn't allow every player to have one, but limit it to only guilds! It was right of us to name these battleships after cosmic horrors, because that was what it was! An absolute terror to see on the oceans! Such a monster was docked at a helpless city!!!

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