Chapter 73: The Isolated Settlement

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A/N: Actually meant to publish this weeks ago, but only realized I never hit publish when I came around to fix up the next chapter. As an apology, I'll release the next chapter within the next few days.


Damn it, my head...doesn't hurt. Of course. I've always wanted to wake up one day after fainting and say that wonderful line of complaint, but to nobody's surprise, I woke up with no damage done to my body.

Lords above. Why did Eden even have medics, anyway? With bodies like these, you would think medics were bored out of their skull. I suppose that's why the medical corps of Eden was made up of real freaky individuals.

Due to my absolute resistance once more, it took a few moments for me to notice the change in temperature. It was no longer cold, trudging through the snow with wind blowing against my cheeks levels of cold. I was currently in a location with a rather agreeable temperature, and I could vaguely sense the warmth of a flame nearby. Judging from the dim lights, I was in a structure somewhere...? Was I moved in my sleep?

"Ah, you're awake. Thank the spirits for that. I was worried that you wouldn't wake from falling asleep in such freezing temperatures, but apparently you're tough as nails," an unfamiliar voice greeted me. "For a child, anyway."

My eyes immediately focused onto the figure that was tossing firewood into the fireplace, keeping the flames alive in this lonely structure. Her hair blended into the darkness, but her brilliant azure eyes shone through, despite the lifelessness contained within those irises.

"Name's Abigail. Found you passed out in the woods. Quite dangerous to be alone in this part of the continent around this time, you know? You're lucky that we found you when we did."

I quickly scanned my body nearly instinctively, only to quickly realize all my important belongings were in that unreachable void anyway. Phew. Another day without leaking something outrageously broken into this world.

"No worries," Abigail chuckled. "The old man didn't do anything to you while you're out. We just tucked you in, and didn't touch you more than necessary. Nor did we take anything, but not like you held much. The only thing you had on you was...the candle, right? Awfully sparse inventory for a hike in the middle of a snowy forest."

I quickly pocketed the candle that was resting inconspicuously on the table beside my bed. It seemed nobody else had fallen into a deep slumber from sniffing the candle just yet, so I wasn't going to push my luck any further.

"Uh...has anyone came around asking for me?"

Or a battalion of tanks, for that matter.

"No? Were you traveling with someone?" Abigail tilted her head.

"Not...exactly. Never mind, it seems I was misremembering things," those monsters were too silent for my tastes!

"That so?" the girl chuckled, yet her eyes betrayed her true feelings of boredom. "Take sometime to collect yourself, yeah? Come over to the communal house later, we can decide what to do together. It's, uh, the only building with lights. You won't miss it."

"I see...thank you."

"You seem awfully calm. Might be the shock, eh?" Abigail laughed, closing the door shut behind her.

Of course I'm not!!! Do you not understand the danger you and everyone you knew are in right now!?

Damn it! Lords above, I need to get into contact with them fast before they pull anything funny!

Horizon. Horizon, do you hear me!?

At your service.

Where's Jibril? Or Rin, for that matter?

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