M aid

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That happened the day before and Izuku was now Todoroki's personal maid. He was still desperately confused about the whole situation. Luckily a maid was kind enough to share some helpful information.

"I'm Mina!" She introduced herself cheerfully, but Izuku could tell it was fake. Her skin and hair was a pretty bubblegum pink, she had a tail with a heart at the end and curing little horns. "I'm sure you're still new..." Izuku gave a meek nod.

"What that one Todoroki--Satan guy said made no sense..." He mumbled out gasping the pink demon to gasp.

"You've talked to the master?!" She leaned in close making Izuku back up nervously, almost trip because of those stupid fucking h e e l s.

"Y-yes..?" He stammered. "He just told me h-how everything was his.. and how much of an egotistical ass he could be-" Mina clamped a hand over his mouth while violently shooshing him.

"Don't talk like that!" Mina hissed, "If someone heard you, you could've been punished!"

Izuku gulped and blushed, remembering how close Todoroki got to him when vaguely mentioning that word, "P-punishment..?"

Mina raised an eyebrow at him. "Do you not know?"

"Know what...?"

"Oh my hell... you don't know..?" He noticed how she avoided saying 'god.'

"Know what??" He pushed, anxiety bubbling up in his head.

Mina silently grabbed his arm and walked him to his room before she went into an explanation.

"The Master is better known as Satan, he's kinda selfish and doesn't take pity on others... rumor has it he's raped everyone he thought as 'worthy' and then left them to the street to rot." She sighed, "He's not a good person. He does 'punishments' to people who disrespect him or who he thinks needs to learn respect in the first place... lets just say they are very... sexual and harsh.
I've never had one though, I'm not exactly important enough..."

"It's basically rape."

Izuku suddenly felt self conscious. This basically was a prostitute house.
B-but worse...

"...oh.." He squeaked out, covering his freckled tummy with his hands in an embarrassed manor.

"So... you talked to the Master though? What'd he say?" Mina clearly had her interest peaked.

"Ah-.. w-well... he assigned me to be his p-personal maid.." he muttered out, turning his reddening face to the side, remembering Todoroki's words.

The pink devil gaped, a underline look of horror on her face. "You're k-kidding? R-right..?" Her voice quivered and almost sounded desperate.

This only made Izuku scared, realizing something... that handsome demon he met before was responsible for so much pain and suffering... what would happen to him?

Mina frowned, "I'll help you as much as I can... but there's something I have to tell you, just don't-"

A the door to his room opened and cut her off, there was another maid. He had black hair with red tips, his eyes also red with a scar along his right eye. He went o speak, "M-Mina, I need to dress him, c-can you leave please..?"

His teeth were sharp, like shark teeth, but his voice was small and scared to the point he seemed incapable of being a threat.

Mina looked at Izuku in almost a pleasing way, though its not like either of them could do anything. She nodded meekly and left, but Izuku couldn't help but melt with dread at what she didn't get to tell him.

The male maid approached him slowly, "T-the M-master has s-sent for you to wear t-this." He held out a black back.

Izuku took it and peeked inside, it was made of black and gold. The other left the room.

After taking the new outfit out of the beg and laying it out, Izuku was more than disgusted. It was a black lingerie lined with gold, what's with people and black?

Despite his clear displeasure he put it on... mainly scared of what would happen if he didn't.

After around five minutes of waiting the door finally cracked open, though Izuku was curled up under his blanket and didn't notice. So when a low growl pierced the cold silence he jumped.

"Now... this isn't a pleasant way to greet your new Master."

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