N o t O k a y

992 30 19

Shoto stole glances at Izuku every so often, and watching in real time as Izuku's body slowly healed and regained color overnight. It was definitely a perk of hell. He tossed and turned rather frequently, letting out noises of discomfort, occasionally whispering under his breath. Probably a nightmare.

On the lines of his work, Satan struggled to get it done for once; he had many distractions after all.

Dabi had said the Gates. There were only one sec of gates that caused any conflict... Heaven's Gates.

Or more specifically: The Gates to Limbo, the boundary between Heaven and Hell.

Where as... this complicates Shoto's understanding of Izuku, it shouldn't ever matter as long as Izuku never got close to the Gates.

Once again, Satan found himself gazing over Izuku's shivering body.

Izuku would never leave this stronghold, he wouldn't ever leave these halls. He wouldn't ever leave this office... and hell forbid that Izuku leave Shoto's side.

Simply put: Izuku didn't have to worry.

Shoto would take care of him, keep him away from others, and make him happier than he currently is.

Shoto knew he was upset, but he strictly would not allow a relationship of any kind between that foolish Hellhound and Izuku. He was a horrible influence, the definition of disobedience.


His body felt numb. He felt cold. For the first time since dying Izuku properly felt as if he was a corpse.

The small boy woke up groggily, eyes fluttering open. He didn't move, which he was quickly thankful for since Shoto was starting at him.

'...what a creep.'

Izuku peeked through his own fingers in a limp position, he didn't often see Satan fully spaced out, it was clear he was thinking of something.

He shivered again, just subtly tucking his head further into his own body. He hated knowing was starting at him. He had such a horrible experience with spectators...

But apparently this small movement didn't escape Shoto's attention. "Izuku?"

The greenette didn't move. He just squeezed his eyes shut and hoped Shoto wouldn't bother him, shivering more.

"Are you awake?"

'No, go away.'

It may have been a mistake shifting away from Shoto now that he was stuck in a dangerous game of move-and-be-caught. He could hear Shoto stand and approach but he didn't know what he was doing.

Izuku jolted when Shoto touched his hip with an icy cold hand. It was gentle but Izuku didn't expect the frost.

"..." the best he could do if pretend that Shoto woke him just now, willing himself to hum a noise of complain and left his head a little to look at Shoto.

Satan currently was crouching in front of him palm rubbing his hip. He reached his other hand out to flick some hair out of Izuku's eyes, the greenette pretended it didn't cause him to blush.

"How are you feeling?"

'Like I hate you and you should go die.'
"I-I'm a bit cold."

He used his elbow to push himself to a sitting position. Izuku really wished he didn't have these cuffs since they made any sleeping position difficult, but it's better then fucking hanging in the air.

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