F a m i l y G a t h e r i n g

620 29 15

Izuku sat in front of well over 50 people. He sat on the steps leading up to Satan's throne which Shoto sat in. Dabi was in the crowd for now.

"Good evening everyone, are all present?" Shoto's voice was drawled by exhaustion, but his posture was as firm as ever. After no sounds of protest, he continued. "As you all may have noticed, things are changing around here. I have a few announcements to make.

Firstly, these changes will—" Izuku nudged his foot with a look, a 'that's not what you're supposed to lead with' type of look. "...Correction, first, I'd like to say sorry."

The room, if it wasn't quiet before, was even quieter now. The only noise was Dabi slapping a hand over his own mouth not to laugh at how awkward Shoto looked, immediately earring a glare from the fallen Angel.

"I'd like to apologize on how I've treated people in his building, how you all have lived in fear of me, and the unreasonable expectations I've expected you all to work under."

Still, crickets.

Shoto was quiet for a minute before Izuku nudged his foot again. This time the crowd noticed it, little whispers breaking out; especially when the fallen Angel dragged a hand across his face and responded to the unspoken command. "More specifically, I apologize to the maxes for any harassments I have done to you, I'm aware my cruelty exceeds the ability to be forgiven with a simple sorry. I apologize to Momo Yaoyorozu for removing you from the strong hold with no support or respect. I apologize to the guards for expecting you to work 24 hours a day with minimal breaks. I apologize to the house-jobs for not acknowledging you all. I apologize on the behalf of Katsuki, the other fallen Angel, because I'm aware he would never apologize himself. I am very sorry to everyone."

Izuku hummed at his heels, satisfied. Shoto relaxed into his chair and swiftly moved on to the next topic with the greenette's permission.

"Besides that, I am upgrading everyone's rooms and I will see to it that a schedule is created so people here are not working every second. Any preexisting punishments are void, they will no longer be used in this house. I will not lay a hand on anyone here with the exception of consent." His eyes flickered down to Izuku at this. "For now, you all do not have to dawn uniform or work. Dabi has kindly offered to patrol in the name of other guards for now—"

"Wait what?" The hellhound of discussion whined from the crowd.

"—so you may be relieved of your duties as well. Things are changing, I hope you all consider it for the better. Please, if you would like to ask for anything or address any concerns, Izuku," he waved down to the succubus who shyly waved, "has offered to lend an ear since speaking to me can be intimidating. I believe, for now, this meeting is over. Expect more conversations in the future. Does anyone have anything to say?"

"Why th' fuck do I gotta work over time?" Dabi complained again.

"I'm going to be with you the whole time." Izuku gently answered, fiddling with a small string that laced the sides of his dress together.

This seemed to be good enough to the hellhound as he just grumbled quiet profanities but stopped arguing over all.

After another beat of silence, Mina raised her hand slowly. Izuku just smiled and nodded to her.

"..thank you." Unsure, she called this out, her wobbly smile was enough to see she was skeptical but excited.

A few more people started to murmur the same mannerism, others grumbling about how it was 'about time' or 'there's no way this will last'.

Izuku stood from the step now, leaning against Shoto's leg to steady himself. Though, stage fright be damned, he smiled and started to address the crowd. "I haven't been here for long, I haven't seen everything of what's happened; but Shoto has been changing a lot, and for the better. Hopefully you all will relax once you realize these changes will make you guys happy. Thank you all so much for all the work you've done, you all have done so well. Take a break, okay? We'll take care of it."

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