F a m i l i a r F a c e

822 27 18

"I'm not leaving you alone with him." Shoto snapped, "And you should have reminded me we had someone waiting on us, like three rounds ago."

"Fuckin chill out, was just as distracted as yer sorry ass." They closed Izuku's door of his room to let him rest. "And why fuckin not? I'm a guard ain't I?"

"You and I both know why I don't trust you. You're lucky I can't replace you easily, Hellhound."

"I know, 'm just irreplaceable~"

"I just said that."

"Fuck off."

They both power walked down the hall, Dabi leading the way to where he had originally left their guest.

They came face to a man who slowly stood up, sharing similar spunky black hair to Dabi but had a much different face.

Immediately he held a hand and put on a very customer service like smile.

"Glad to finally meet you. Satan, I presume? Do I call you that?"

"Todoroki is fine." Shoto took his hand, giving a shake. He eyed him suspiciously.

"Wonderful. My name is Yō, Yō Shindo."

"Yō..." Shoto took in his appearance as he echoed his name.

The man was dressed in a casual modern attire, t-shit and sweat pants. He was maybe 25, 30 years old, looked to have mannerisms that made Shoto think he was no stranger to rich luxuries. The most noteworthy thing about his plain appearance was the fact he had a weird cut across his throat, it was stitched with a green string.

'Like Izuku's hair color.' The half and half man thought this absently.

"What do you want?" He took his hand back, folding his arms. "Not a lot of people, much less strangers, specifically request to see me."

Dabi leaned towards Shoto slightly to murmur a warning, "He smells like mercury."

Bad sign immediately, huh?

"Ah, well," The man, Yō, made a slight hand motion and he shifted onto one of his heels. "I heard from some informants in the many cities of hell. I've been looking for someone I miss dearly from life. They say Satan- er, Todoroki- is the best man to go to track someone down."

"I could help." Shoto watched Yō's face brighten. "At a cost, that is." The expression fell.

"What, my soul?"

"That's the most valuable thing in all of hell, even joking you shouldn't tease a demon or archangel with such a thing." This man was an idiot, Shoto could tell he hasn't been in hell long.

Izuku made him soft, normally he would have never explained anything to an idiot.

"I will decide the price depending on the labor needed. Give me the name."

"Wonderful." Yō grinned and clasped his hands together. "I'm looking for my one and only,

Izuku Midoriya."


The greenette watched the two men rush out, insulting each other like children.

Maids had come by his room while he was with Shoto, putting his furniture back into place and changed his bedding to fresh, washed comforts.

Izuku washed his face at the bathroom sink. Despite the cuffs's short chain, it was fairly easy to maneuver his wrists around. He also washed the dry blood off himself from the two wounds Shoto had given him.

Weirdly enough, after the three of them fucked... he didn't feel as mad at Shoto. He just seemed... jealous. Same with the hellhound.

...he looked at himself in the mirror, remembering how Shoto and the hound both called him some variant of beautiful. He ran a hand over the faded scars from when he was alive. They were almost invisible unless you really looked, and if the two men had noticed they didn't call him out on it.

They littered his thighs and wrists, all somewhat small, easy to ignore.

He frowned but decided to stop thinking about it, walking back into the main room. He noticed Shoto's blazer on the floor and smiled, picking it up. He, with a bit of struggle, managed to have it at least cover his shoulders. Slowly he made his way to his bed and sat down, kicking his feet.


Didn't the hellhound say he smelt like... "the Gates?" Like of heaven? He had also told Izuku that he smelt like heaven, maybe that's what he had meant.


He stopped swinging his legs in favor of laying down, his lower back ached too much to be moving so much.

Maybe a minute went by before there was a knock on his door. "O-oh, who is it?"

He sat up and gripped the blazer a little tighter in front of himself and went to the door, trying to open it, but it was too awkward of an angle.

"You can open it, I-I can't really grab the handle right now.."

The door knob turned, Izuku stepped back to give them a little room. He didn't think it was any of his friends, they would have said something before knocking. It wouldn't be the hellhound... he just let himself into the room normally.

...it wouldn't be Shoto. He did the same thing.

Suddenly Izuku felt a little uncertain. And he had the right to feel that way.

The man who opened the door did so slowly, cracking it open and peered through the slit.

Immediately Izuku felt a wave of nausea and fear gripped his chest, skipping a beat to start thumping in his ears.

"Hello, doll. Did you miss me?"

A man with purple hair swing the door open and tackled Izuku, pinning him to the ground. He couldn't fight back even if he could with his cuffed hands.

Izuku's skull slammed onto the floor, making him dizzy. Through spinning vision he looked up at the familiar face assaulting him.

There was a slash across his neck stitched with green string.

No- no n o n onnonono-

Izuku started thrashing and screaming, feeling his old guard's hands on his body. He immediately wanted to vomit.

"Quit fucking moving!" Izuku's mouth was covered with the full weight of the man above. With his other hand he took out a cloth and held it over Izuku's nose, forcing him to inhale something that smelt bitter.

The more Izuku tried screaming against his hand the more he inhaled. The more he inhaled the dizzier he got.

Five minutes later of being sat on and weak fighting, Izuku fell unconscious by the man he killed just before he took his own life.

The man with eyes that made his skin crawl and a gaze that haunted his nightmares.

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