F u c k e d U p

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"We will find him Sho-"

"It's been two days."

"I know, but ya can't just-"

Satan swiveled around in his rotating chair to stare daggers into his hellhound's eyes. His attempts to comfort him were cut short by the non verbal threat.

"Tell me where he is. Then I'll listen to you." Shoto hissed this through clenched teeth, staring at him with all the anger of Hell's Lord. Dabi actually took a small step back.

"If you keep being this man he's going to freeze to death. We've gotten so many people knocking on the doors to try and ask what's going on. You're freezing over the entirety of Hell, Shoto."

His attempt at reason had Shoto's face contorting from anger to frustration. He slumped in the chair, but his tension didn't relax.

"I can't control it. Dabi, this is the first time I've ever cared for someone. After being dropped by the fucking clouds above and banished, I didn't think anyone would get me to feel..." he trailed off and just sank his face into his hands. "I feel like it's my fault for not fucking leaving you with him. I told you to come with me. It's my fault."

It's true, never in the history of hell did Shoto care for a single soul more than maybe being annoyed at them. Dabi knew how confused he was on top of worried.

"Blaming yerself ain't gunna help. We have people searching for Izuku and the captors, right now it's all we can do. I can go out too, but I'm only agreeing to leave you alone if you calm the fuck down." Touya walked over and slammed his hands on the table, tail flicking back and forth anxiously. For a moment the swishing was the only noise in the room before that too died out as they stared at each other.

"I'm coming with you. We'll both look."

"Shoto, that's a dumbass idea."

"With the weird ass things Izuku has been connected to, I'm more worried about how he'll possibly destroy hell than any paper work here." Shoto snapped at Touya, pushing a stack of papers off the desk to prove his point.

His excuse was fair, but Dabi knew that it was just that, an excuse. An excuse to find Izuku.

The hellhound ground his teeth together, chewing on his lip that was already busted from this nervous habit.

"Fine. Fine, we're leaving right now. Hurry the fuck up Shoto."

Truthfully they were both anxious. Touya just kept his anger hidden from Satan. He had already set fire to quite a few people who came to complain about the weather.

They didn't acknowledge the fact that they up and left without telling anyone, they simply sucked out the front door.






"Isn't he so pretty~?" Yō sang, looking down at the greenette between his legs in the bed. He shook, trembling in place. He buried his face into the blanket and didn't dare move. Shinso stood by the door, staring at him. His purple eyes almost dared Izuku to make eye contact.

"Pretty pathetic."

"Oh, but isn't his weak little body just that much more pretty~?" The man made ran a hand through Izuku's hair as he cooed. Izuku flinched by his touch by tried to ignore it.

"So broken, molded by both of us. That's true beauty~"

You'd almost think Yō was a teenager talking about his crush from how love struck he sounded, but Izuku knew it was fake. Yō was far too good at acting—it's not he got rich in life after all.

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