D r e a m O r N i g h t m a r e ?

695 22 10

Izuku didn't know when he opened his eyes, or when the scene around him changed; but either way he was in the familiar green abyss around him. What was this place?

Before, everything seemed so much more peaceful and quiet. Now, there was a dull sting that constantly buzzed across every inch of his body. The greenette felt much more aware this time, much more awake.

Maybe Dabi had been right, he was in shock. Well, he was right, definitely so.

This time around, Izuku knew in the back of his mind that this mindset—or whatever it was—was dangerous. He must have fallen asleep, and that's why he was here. The logic comforted Izuku, if only slightly.

It was nice to be able to piece together some elements of what this green space was.

Just as he looked around, the shadows pooling beneath him seemed to stretch and warp, suddenly moving to give this green space dimension; forming it into a scene.

A hospital.

"...no." Izuku's whisper was almost involuntary, forced by the fear of recognition.

"Fuck no, please. Not here."

His own pleas echoed in the space, but muffled. It was clear he was still under this liquid which distorted his voice.

He looked forward at... a memory. Fuck, what else could you even consider it? An echo of the past, maybe.

The hall of a hospital materialized around him, blood splattered on the ground a few feet in front of him. It was wet, shining in the green light.

Izuku smelt iron.

"...please." He whispered again, voice shaking. He didn't know who we was begging, but he just wanted this to end.

A gut feeling insisted to him that... it hadn't even started.

Distant cries, familiar to his own voice, bounced off the walls. Cries that were exactly Izuku's but just... female.

He found his body moving without his minds consent, stepping forward, legs dragging through the liquid like he was stepping through quicksand. It was slow, it arraigned every muscle.

"...mom?" He croaked, feeling a different type of wetness on his face. He didn't have to remember that these weren't tears.

Izuku rounded the corner into the emergency room, eyes wide.

He's seen this sight before, but much younger. Doctors rushed to tie restraints around her limbs as she thrashed, crying out in desperate sobs.

'Please! Tell him! Tell him I didn't mean to! Tell my baby I didn't mean it! That wasn't me!'

Her shrieks were cutting, they were shrill and anguished.

Izuku's hand ghosted up to his nose, wiping away blood. He felt the sudden nausea just from seeing it. He felt his heart pound. These familiar symptoms.

His attention snapped up again towards Inko as she screamed, blood curdling. 'No! Let me see him! Let me fucking see my baby!'

His green eyes watched a doctor rage a syringe, three nurses holding down her neck so the man could inject a substance into her veins. Her cries turned mute immediately, her struggling weakening until she fell limp.

"...mom. Mommy, fuck.. I'm.." he whispered, feeling himself choke of the familiar feeling of crying. He tasted blood in his mouth. "I'm so sorry."

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