curiosity and temptation

Start from the beginning

"Hurry up, I wanna see it." She whined adorably, putting her hand back down by her side.

Camila smirked and rolled her eyes, using her free hand to pull down her pants, revealing her boxers and her hand beneath them. She squirmed out of the pants and placed them to the side before looking back up at her friend for approval.

Lauren's demeanour had changed somewhat. Her blue eyes seemed darker than before, and she was softly nibbling at her thin, bottom lip, hardly blinking as she intently watched Camila's movements.

"Take them off." She whispered, her voice lower than before as well.

Camila swallowed, waiting a few seconds to contain herself before she slowly began to pull down the garment, cupping her modestly as the kicked them off alongside her pants. She resumed position, feeling slightly embarrassed due to her nakedness.

"Show me.." Lauren husked, eyes peeled on the sight between her friends legs which was currently hidden by both of her hands.

"Fine, fine. Calm down." Camila chided, removing one hand and using the other to grip her semi-hard cock, which was already standing at seven inches.

Lauren gasped and felt her body tense. Her eyes bulged as they fell upon the sight. It was very different to when she watched it on the computer. Like it was right there, so close she could almost touch it, and it was big compared to what she'd seen online.

"Wow." She mouthed, closing her mouth, realising that she was gawking.

Camila wasn't sure what to do, she didn't move the entire time, one hand still holding her cock, unmoving as Lauren stared down at her package with wide eyes, making her a bit uncomfortable.

"C-can you like, stroke it?" Lauren asked quietly, trying to hide the huskiness creeping into her voice.

Camila bit her lip and realised that it was show time. She looked down and slowly started moving her hand in cautious up and down movements. After a few seconds, it didn't feel so weird, and she began to stroke herself with more confidence until she was at her full length, eight inches long and completely erect.

"It's nice." Lauren found herself saying, not even realising the thought had escaped her lips.

"Thanks." Camila grumbled, letting go of it, allowing Lauren the full view of her throbbing cock.

"Can you teach me how to give a hand job?" Lauren asked abruptly, Camila to choke on air and shoot her friend a surprised look.

"And how would I do that?" Camila asked, her mouth suddenly dry.

"Just do what you do to yourself to get off. Talk me through it." Lauren said, as if it were the simplest task in the world.

Camila didn't want to seem weak or shy. She was Camila fucking Cabello after all. So she merely nod her head in agreement and confidently began to pump her shaft, faster than before, only now realising how turned on she was.

"So.. it feels good when you stroke it like this." Camila said, demonstrating long strokes from the base to the head.

Lauren took in every word, hypnotised by the movements, feeling herself getting turned on more with each stroke.

"Can I try?" Lauren blurted out, blushing furiously when she noticed the way Santana looked at her as if she'd just proposed something criminal.

"You want to give me a hand job?" Camila asked, her voice an octave higher. Sure it sounded fucking hot, but seriously, this was her best friend, she shouldn't have felt so aroused by the idea.

"Yeah, you know, so I know what to do. You can tell me if I'm doing it right." She said, already starting to shuffle forward, eager to touch it.

"Ok.." Camila gasped out, removing her hand just a little too quickly for someone who was supposed to be teaching.

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