Gillum Enterprise

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Gerald version
Today was the day we see the phenomenal enterprise. And today my brother Anthony Russo is coming. And he's staying at our place. Does Dylan know? She doesn't and hopefully does get mad at me.

I check out the whole place, literally it's big, bigger than the office. Dylan comes by. I was checking at the front of the lobby. "G," I turned around it was my perfectly good looking wife "I just came to tell you that Anthony Russo arrived and also when were we going to be discussing him staying at our place?"
Shit. I knew it was going to bite me right back in my ass for not telling Dylan "Who told you?"
"You assistant called me to info me. Baby why didn't you tell me. I'm not mad at him staying at our place but just gave me a heads up before so I could have everything nice and cleaned for them. A good presentation is a great way of a good home."
"You're right and I'm sorry." I see her leaving "I thought you were staying here with me"
"I have meetings and some press interviews about this. And someone has to pick up the kids."
"Don't worry about the kids. I'll get them. When are you going to be finished?"
"In a couple hours."
"I'll swing by." Then I ran to her to give her a kiss "I wasn't going to let you leave without a kiss."
"How romantic of you ger. I'll see you later." She leaves. I went to go pick up Suz Hayden and Ashton from school. Mel and Ryland from my mas house and brought them back to the office. The older kids were doing their homework while the little ones were playing with their toys. I was there with them for a while.

I left to the offices. Dylan was in the conference room doing interviews with the press today. She wanted me to go and support her but nope they had to ask me questions to and we did answer them honestly. I had to go meet up with Anthony back again to the enterprise.

Anthony was there. I seen him a mile away. "My man. How you been?" I gave him a fist bump.
"I'm good. Bro this is huge. I thought you were kidding of this place. And thanks again for letting me and my girl stay at your place. Is Dylan cool with it?"
"Yeah she is. And I know I never thought this place would be like this. The reason why I ask you here to come because a I like the work you do. And b I want you to work with us, since your charity work 'Kings & Queens' is working very well in LA and you want to expand why not here? Dylan and you can work on these charities events then later we expand it all over."
"Yeah that's true. And thanks for making my charity known in your pop up shop back in LA."
"No problem brother you know I got you." Oh yeah me and Dylan have a pop up shop here like two and we have four pop up shops in LA. That's what's up.
"I can't believe you and Dylan made this happen. I still remember you talking about this how you want the business to grow and build this huge enterprise but you wanted to find the real one who would do this with you. And now look at you, married with the most beautiful and amazing business woman in the history, a father of five amazing and lucky kids and still a worldwide rapper."
"Yea. And we're both blessed with this Anthony. This doesn't happen over night."
"That's so true." He gets a call during our conversation "sorry man but I promised my girl we would go to dinner and we would see the whole bay."
"Yeah no problem. There's many places you both should see."
"Alright. I'll see you later." He leaves. We did make it feel as they were in their home for them.

Dylan version
I can't believe how we started just in scratch then now we're here. I'm so proud of us especially Gerald for doing this. I went back to the enterprise after I was done with my press interviews. "Ger,this whole enterprise is coming together. Remember how we started from nothing now we're up here."
"Yeah we did this cause we believe we could do it. We knew how it could happen to us cause we worked our buts on it. I just can't believe I'm doing this with you."
"Aw baby, I couldn't have done without you." I hugged him and kissed him "this is for our kids and hopefully they carry our legacy with our family business."
"yeah umm I was wondering if you wanna get pizza or go somewhere tonight? Since this is the big night before the big day."
"It's tomorrow right?"
"Yeah." He smiled "so can we?"
"Yes lets go get our kids." We left the enterprise to get our kids from the offices. We thanked Mia and James for taking care of them but we also invited them to get dinner.

The next day we woke up early since it's the grand opening of our enterprise. We got ready. Monroe and Anthony came after we were done. Mia and James came. Jess and Matt came lastly. We took a photo before we left to the real event. We took another one with the kids. Since Anthony Russo came he would do a live performance. We did take a photo with him we didn't leave him out. Or his girlfriend since he's part of the family. So we left to the event which was broadcast live. All of did the talking about what this means to us so we cut the ribbon to a new beginning.

I did a live performance with Anthony Russo after we cut the ribbon. All the kids danced so did we. It was the best time. No Dylan's not mad at me that Anthony and his girlfriend were staying at our place so she just let it go for the sake of us.

This was our beginning to the Gillum Enterprise. A new beginning starts now and forever.

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