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Shit! Why am I always late to events. Like this important day.

After Gerald, never mind I don't wanna talk about him. Not in this very moment.

I went to the hills, somewhere there. Where I have my interview. I finally arrive to Nightcap Clothing. A man was waiting there for me. "You!" He pointed out.
"Are you Miss Trujillo?"
"Um yeah."
"Your late! Mr Daniels has been waiting for a while now!"
"I'm just thirty minutes late. Not an hour."
"He wants you to go his office, right away!"
"Okay. Where is his office?"
"Oh dear! Teenagers these days! Go straight then go left, the second door to the right."
"Thank you" I start walking to jakes older brother office. I take a deep breath cause I'm hella nervous. "Here goes nothing" I tell myself. I open the door
"Finally! I'm getting to meet Miss Dylan Trujillo! My brothers girlfriend has told me so much about you"
"Yeah. It's a pleasure to meet you to."
"Let's cut it to the chase, I want your ideas. Your fashion ideas."
"Oh that's amazing but what are we going with this?"
"Since your newly graduated from college at"
"At Loyal University at Oakland"
"Oh I have heard of that school."
"And actually I graduate two years ago sir"
"Oh. I was looking someone that can give these ideas so we can be in Vogue magazines and CQ, you do get me from where I'm going?"
"Yes sir, but where do I.."
"Shhh. Do you see this going somewhere"
"Hmmm?" He hand covering my mouth
"Good. So you're here for the janitor job?"
"What! No. I was here for this con.... did Mia and Jake tell you. I just can't believe. I want this for so long." I grabbed my bag. "I'm sorry for wasting your time." I got up and started walking to the door
"Miss Trujillo. Yeah they did tell me, at first I thought I was a recent college graduate but I never thought this. I'm sorry"
"Yeah, just a simple apology, and dreams crush." I left his office. It was good to be true. I went to the parking garage, upset. I was entering my car. "Miss Trujillo"
"May I help you with something cause at this point it seems I can't"
"I'm sorry for receiving you this way. I think I may have an opening. You as my assistant. It's a very simple task."
"Couldn't you just tell me that before."
"So you want the job?"
"Will it take me to my dreams?"
"Yeah if you say so"
"Okay when do I start?"
"Now. I want you to go to Starbucks and get me a expresso Frappuccino with a hint of sugar caramel and the papers have to be checked and sign by me before seven"
"Yes sir"
"Well hurry! These task can't do it self!" I walked back to the building. I guess it's a beginning to my dreams.

I've been working for this same job for the past year. And nothing has been or have started to my dream job. And now I'm stuck being a butler for a dick ass boss.

Sometimes I'm thinking I should quit but it's my only shot to persuade this.

I don't have time for anything not even for myself. Working 24/7 nonstop. Basically my small office is basically my home. Don't know when will it last.

"Yes Mr. Daniels."
"Where's the final papers for.." I cut him off giving him a binder of the Composition interview
"Here you go" he checks in anger mood.
"No these are terrible!"
"What do you mean! These were the papers you asked for!"
"Hey you talk back to me again, you take all your shit out of my building! Understood Trujillo!"
"Yes sir."
"And your doing this again tonight"
"Nothing, or leave. There's the door if you wanna quit and forget your deal of becoming the biggest known fashion designer."
"Yes sir"
"And pick up other set of papers from Alex. And hurry there very important!" He leaves the office.

What did I get into? Just for a silly dream that I was wanted to come true?

I walk out from my office and speed to Alex. "Hey um, Daniels said you had some papers finished. He needs it now in his office."
"It's there by the red folder."
"Thanks." I check the papers that Daniels ask. What does it have, no fucking way it can't be.
"It's Dylan, i mean yes"
"Were you leaving just now."
"Hey are you doing something later?"
"Yeah, you know Daniels wants me to work overtime again."
"Yeah he's been treating you like shit for the past couple months."
"Yeah but it doesn't matter. Whatever takes me to get my dreams come true. But maybe another time Alex" I leave her office and quickly run to Daniels office but before I did I open the folder.

G-Eazy Designs Collection With H&M' coming March

I wasn't looking through where I was going I bumped into some guy and all the papers fell by. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry" Gerald said
"No, no, no, no it's my fault. I wasn't looking to where I was walking." I remember that voice from somewhere.
"Miss Trujillo!!!!" Said Mr Daniels

Gerald version
I was busy lately since my release album. I also remember of Dylan. She's the one I felt different of myself but I know I'm lagging. I hope she understands that I've been busy with tour, my clothing collaboration and my music.

Me: hey Dylan. I know I haven't been answering cause of my music and other things that I'm focusing on now. Hope you understand me

After sending that message, she hasn't respond. Maybe she's busy. Or forgot of me. No don't think like that she did forget about me.

We arrived to some building, to finalize the contact with H & M. Yes since I'm doing this collaboration in March.

I told my team that I would take care of this business but no, Matt and James had to come along. "I told you guys not to come"
"G, I'm your manager, and this also involves me" Said Matt
"And why did you came?" I asked James
"Why? I couldn't come" Said James
"Whatever. Imma be back, I'm going to get something to drink" I leave the office to quickly text Dylan.

I accidentally bumped into someone. She looked familiar. When I look to her eyes, it was her.

Dylan version
"What did I tell you to do Trujillo!!!" Yelled Daniels
"I was on my way but I accidentally bumped into him Mr Daniels"
"No, I was distracted with my phone"
"Don't apologize Gerald. This employee had no reason to cause problems."
"I'm on my way to the office, right after I'm done picking up these papers"
"No need to anymore. Trujillo at this point, you're fired!!!! Get all your shit and leave my building right after, never mind. Leave from my sight." He takes the papers from the floor "I'll see you in my office Mr Gillum" then walks away.
"Dylan, I'm so sorry. I'll get you..." I cut him off
"It's fine Mr Gillum. I should head out now. See you around." I walk away from him.
I get a box for a room to get my stuff. Not much or little of my stuff.

I leave from my office and see Alex "Dylan?"
"Um, tell Mr Daniels that the room is available. And I'll see you around"
"Wait! he fired you?"
"Yeah but don't worry, I'll be fine."
"You sure?"
"Yeah. Thanks for being there."
"No problem." She writes down here number and puts in my little notebook "if you need anything"
"Thanks Alex" I leave forever that negativity vibe building.

I started driving but not to my house but to the beautiful hills.

I decided to admire beauty of the sunset form the California hills. I got a message from Gerald:
Gerald: Dylan?? Can we please talk?? I'm sorry. It was my fault that you lost your job. Text me when you get this

Now I'm feeling upset and free. Why?

Upset because I didn't reach my goal to be a fashion designer like I dreamed of when I was eight.

Free because I don't need to be continued bossed around 24/7 by a dick less boss and fucked with my dreams.

I had my plans to continue, continue to live but not in my dreams. Not now, that was for another life time.

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