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Dylan version
I haven't heard anything from Anthony after what happened. I guess he doesn't want to clear shit up.

Gerald tells me to not worry or stress over if he will ever apologize. I get it but he has been with me all this time. Maybe it's the best for me to forget.

Talking of Gerald, he has been doing great. You can say he's a working father. Finishing his writing music and helps around the house.

He plans out everything a day before to have more time with me and Suzanne before he leaves for his European tour.

I help him for his tour so Matt and G won't have much work but he tells me not to and just plan for our wedding. See I try to help him but he doesn't want me to help.

Yup, the wedding. Before I got pregnant with Suzanne, we wanted to get married before leaving again for tour but at that time we just found out that we were having Suzanne. We paused on planning the wedding and focused on her. And now I can't wait to be Mrs. Gillum. I count the days, the minutes. I want the wedding not to small and not to big. Something simple for our close family and friends. Like the shower.

I had some plans sketch out in the paper. I sure how it doesn't come out really expensive than I thought it wouldn't be. I was in the office, well our office since me and Gerald worked together, organizing and planning for Gerald's tour and the wedding. I never knew a tour would be so much work, I respect Matt for doing his job. Mama G was in Suzanne room taking care of her.
"Dylan?" I heard mama G knock the door
"Come in." She opens the door
"Suzanne is taking her nap right now, and I was just going to tell you that I'm going to the store to get some food for dinner and I'll be right back. I won't take long."
"It's fine, and thank you for taking care of Suz."
"No problem sweetheart." She sees me doing paperwork "what are you doing?"
"You know, organizing stuff for the tour and the wedding."
"You know Gerald doesn't like when you do that for him, he wants you to rest."
"I know but you know I want to."
"Yeah you and Gerald have so much in common. And how's the wedding going? Have you guys choose a date?"
"Yeah, I have some ideas to discuss with Gerald."
"Okay that sounds like fun, I'll be back soon okay."
"Okay." Suzanne leaves the office.

An hour later Gerald arrives after his meeting. I hear him yell. Then Suz begins to cry. I began to laugh. He knows at this time she's taking her nap. Then I hear him one more time. "Dylan!"
"I'm the office!" He walks in the office. He was carrying Suzanne in his arms. "Guessing she woke up because she knew her daddy was home."
"Yeah or because I woke her up because of my yells."
I giggle a little. "Yeah I think so."
"What is my wife doing?"
"I'm finishing up some paperwork for your tour and your welcome. And writing down some ideas for our wedding."
"Thanks babygirl but I told you that you didn't have to worry about it."
"I want to help out."
"Okay I know. So what ideas were you thinking?"
"Some not big or that small."
"Like the shower I did."
"Baby, if it something big that you want it's okay."
"But it's going to be expensive and a lot of money."
"Don't worry about the money. You tell me what you want and I will get Matt and myself to purchase it."
"Yeah, I know you what this to be memorable. And I want to remember everything."
I stare at Suzanne. She was wide awake. "I can't believe she looks just like you and she's already three months old."
"Me neither." He smiled "She's our blessing."
"Yeah. She is but you're my everything."

We decided to planned it out the wedding at a resection in downtown Oakland. Invited more friends and family. It was the dream wedding that we wished for. Date was picked. After his European tour was over, that's when it's official.

Gerald picked his brother to be his best man for the wedding and I picked Mia to be my maid of honor.

This wedding is going to be great but it would be perfect if Anthony, my mother were at the wedding with me. I wanted Anthony to walk with me down the aisle and hand me down to Gerald but I guess that won't be happening. Gerald hates to see me upset when it comes to Anthony. He does anything to not make me feel upset.

Now it's just planning it, it's not he actually day yet.

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