Coachella Weekend

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Dylan version
I never knew that Gerald brought Colson to Vegas. But I didn't trip about it but good thing it's over and we move on with our lives.

We left Vegas and went straight to Coachella. I had an interview for GQ and Gerald had to perform. It's great how we work in this together or if I have an event, interview, an appearance, Gerald comes in support but if it's the other way around but with Gerald it's your after tour I still give him the same support as we both give each other. That's the connection we have.

We just slept for four hours. And two in the plane over to Coachella. We can pull it off. Ariel came to Coachella with Tokyo to make my makeup and hair. Thank god makeup and espresso can work the magic.

Speaking of magic, I planned Gerald's birthday bash. I invited all his friends and people who know him. But this is just a Rsvp thing back when we leave to LA. Before his birthday bash were going to celebrate Hayden and Ashton birthday, James birthday and celebrate Gerald's birthday with the kids before the bash.

We did an inspiration of a Coachella theme of party festival. But like always my cute husband and to go all in black. That's cute of us different but same taste. We left the rental house. Gerald went with me to the interview cause he doesn't trust anyone else who isn't him, Bj or any of he's guards.

Finished my interview. But I couldn't dodge any questions dealing with Colson and Vegas or other rumor that has been going on. I just answered honest like always.

It was off to Gerald's performance. But the crowd being to be rowdy. I never been to Coachella before so I don't know everything of it. People were already drugged up, drunken and disrespectful. Gerald has my close to me. Bj had more guards. Gerald didn't want me to leave anywhere for my safest so I stayed with him.

He was preparing himself to perform. I went to him and relaxed him. I know how he felt. I had a talk to him and told him I won't leave him until his performance was over. He was more calm. I had to hug and gave him a kiss. We walked together to the stage but I stayed in the left side of the backstage where I could see him.

Minutes later a random guy shows up to the stage behind Gerald. One bodyguard took me away from the stage. Bj went to go tackle him down. Gerald continues performing. After they heard the word that bj took the guy out of the stage they brought me back where the place I was watching Gerald.

After his performance Gerald walked fast out of the stage. He grabbed my hand. I told him I wasn't present when that happened. One of the guards took me somewhere safe until bj took that guy out of the stage. He was more calm but he wanted to leave asap.

We left Coachella back to the bay. We stayed in the bay for two days. We brought all of the kids and our close family to LA for the celebration.

It was a crazy year of Coachella.

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