Bad Boy

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i know in this song it say "mad you're listening to halsey sing to me." just think Gerald is saying Dylan's name

Gerald version
The birth of Hayden and Ashton was the best gift that any father could ever want for. We didn't stayed at the hospital for to long. We left on the day of James birthday. He did had any planned out for his birthday so everyone came back to my place. Suz was okay. She seemed fine and didn't act so bad. Me and Dylan were surprise about that.

We came home from the hospital. I helped out Dylan as much as I can. Yes I did missed the last two nights of the festival but the birth of my sons and giving the company to my wife was more important than ever to me. Yes we did break the news. Some people expect it some people were shocked that we kept it as a secret. It didn't matter to us. The only thing important to us was our boys healths. Dylan was carrying Ashton and I was carrying Hayden up to their room. Suz was with James and Mia. I get this email from Matt:

Have you seen this interview yet? Or read the article? It's bad.

The rapper Machine Gun Kelly raps about how the Bay Area rapper G-Eazy is a double of him, a white boy that tries to be as good as Kelly and how he messed around with Dylan Gillum aka G-Eazy's wife back in the day before her and G-Eazy met back in 2017. It's was a surprise how MGK had to reveal and described everything this way after Mrs Gillum and G-Eazy had their twin boys; Hayden James and Ashton James on May 22nd of this year "Nah, Nah Dylan is just with him cause of the fame and the money and all that other sh*t, you can even ask her how back in the day we used to be." Rapper MGK stated "the one thing she misses is having a real man around her. She's not the first b**** I f***ed with. Ask halsey to." Much more of this story go to 'The Breakfast Club' podcast or on their YouTube channel staring with DJ Envy, Angela Yee and Charlamagne Tha God.

I couldn't believe it with my own eyes. She would do this to me. Me? I walked out of the boys room. I walked in to the master room. "Gerald are you okay?" She closes the door "what happened? Why did you stormed off that way?"
"We need to talk." She sits down. I began to calm myself down.
"Okay, just relax." I couldn't believe she would tell me how to relax. Especially reading everything.
"How long?"
"How long what?"
"How long have you and Colson have been together before you met me? And are you still talking to him?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Don't act dumb Dylan." I began to raise my voice. She was confused but she was hiding all the lies from her past. I guess everything she said it was just a lie. "You and Colson has something before you met me! Is it true that you and him had more than what we have?!"
"What the fuck are you say first of all?! Second of all I don't know who is this person."
"It's Machine Gun Kelly." I have her my phone that had the email that Matt send me "read this and you tell me what the fuck is going on and I want to know the real truth."
She read the email. "You know this is just bullshit. I have never been with this guy. I told you what was my life before I met you."
"What was it? What did you do back in the day before me? Before our three kids?"
"Survived the only thing I did was survived since my family didn't want to help me, Mia was there with me getting my shit together so we could move to LA. My father was still alive and tried to hurt me, you know I was alone through my life. I had no money nothing I was basically I homeless person. You have to believe me Gerald. I would never hurt you especially cheat on you with a man that I never met in my life."
"I don't believe you. I thought everything you told me were just lies."
"You really think I'm lying to you? Really? You believe a stupid interview over me your wife? Wow thank you so much Gerald. We are literally having one of the most stupidest argument after I came out of the hospital, having our two boys and you read this." She walked out of the room upset.

I walked out after and I seen Mia and James. "Mia, I need to speak with you at my office now." I walked down the stairs and went to the office. Mia cape in the office "Okay Mia I know you and Dylan are so close and I need the truth from you since I'm not getting the truth from Dylan. Where was she before she met me?"
"What are you talking about?" I show her the email with the article "Gerald this is bullshit. You know Dylan isn't that kind of person to hide this or do this to you."
"Oh so you're lying to?"
"Did she and Colson has a relationship before the year of 2017?"
"Gerald are you insane! She isn't that person who would hurt a person you know."
"Then who is she?!"
"She's you're wife you fucking idiot. You know what was she doing back in the day before she met you. She was surviving to live! Me and her came to LA with less than a thousand dollars!"
"With who's money?"
"Mine and Dylan's money. She had to work her ass in two jobs to get the money. I helped her and my parents helped her to since we wanted to leave the Bay Area until her father wasn't there alive hunting her down like an animal!" She was screaming "do you know why she has the scar in her right leg and on her stomach where she has the small tattoo of her mothers name?" She asked me "those scars are the one that her father gave her when he tortured her when she was little before her mother died." Then she shown me her scar the same one as Dylan "this one he gave it to me, when I came to save her. He gave it to me to show me to fuck off and but in to his business when it came up to Dylan." She pulls down her shirt "don't worry James already knows because I told him the truth. Dylan told you her truth. And now you're going to believe in some article of this bullshit ass rapper of how he and Dylan were back in the day? He's saying that to get your fucking attention which he already has. That never happened because me and her lived the same nightmare before we met you. What kind of person are you? Not believe their own wife, putting her over some stupid articles of some stupid ass show or whatever the fuck it is." She was calming herself down "you don't deserve her or those beautiful kids that she gave you for telling her false bullshit." She leaves the office.

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