Oh Baby!

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Gerald version
I'm feeling so many emotions. Different bits of kind. Guessing that's how every man feels when their baby will be arriving soon into the world. I know I should be touring again but I decided to stay and work at home in case she goes into labor soon.

We went to the hospital again before the due date. Seems like everything is still normal but same answer. She is estimated to be out in a week or two. But to have percussion if anything happens. The doctor asked if we had any names. Honestly we talked or haven't decided on any names yet.

My opinion were very different if we were having a boy. Naming him after my brother. Since were having a girl we didn't know what name will go with her. Dylan wants to name her after her mom. But also my mom name. I tell her not to stress about it now. For her own good.

I always tell this to Matt and Jess that I should be awarded husband of the year. They tell me I'm crazy and plus weren't even legally married yet. To me it didn't really matter if we were married legally or not, I was just happy to be with Dylan.

I called in one of my closest friend to help us finish decorating our daughters room and I also hired a professional artist to paint the room.

As the days went by, the job was getting finishing up faster and coming out great as I thought of it in my mind. Dylan went to my ma's house to pick up the baby gifts from the shower that we had two weeks ago.

Matt came over to see how the out come of the room. "Yo G!" He yelled. His yells were the loudest during tour dates.
"In the second room!" I was fixing setting up the crib.
"Need some help."
"Yeah." He went to the other side from where I was. We both moved the crib to the other side of the room where the little couch is place. "And were done."
"Wow! I'm impressed with this work Gerald. How long did it take you?"
"About two, three weeks. But it came out how I was imagining it."
"Dylan knows of the finished product."
"No, she just seen how we started everything but finalizing it, nope. Not yet. I think when she comes back from my ma's house."
"Well she will love it a lot. I so proud of you Gerald and maybe you will be awarded the best father of the year to your daughter."
"Well I have to go pick up Jess from the office if I'm late again, she'll be pissed at me again."
"I have to go pick up Dylan from my ma's now. She must be waiting for me but I'm here distracted finishing up the room." We both left my daughter room. Matt left his way to pick up Jess and I left my way to pick up Dylan.

I arrived at my ma's house. Dylan was there with Mia. James and ma had to leave to the store but they didn't want to leave Dylan alone in case she gave birth. I put in all the baby gifts inside the car. I told Mia to tell James and ma that I came to pick up Dylan and I'll call them back later.

I promise Dylan one last drive as a couple before our daughter arrived. Then she was humming a song. "Him & I?" I always guess that correctly.
"The Night We Met actually." Well that was the first time I guessed it wrong.
"How does it go then? And where did you hear that song cause I never heard of it?"
"My mom used to sing to me when I was a baby and when I felt sad. She would always cheer me up with that song."
I touch the bump one last time "and did she had an amazing voice like my wife does?"
"You think my singing is amazing?"
"Um, you proved it to me when we went to tour and that one morning." She giggles. "Anytime we'll have her here with us."
"Yeah. Did you think of the names? What should we name her?"
"Baby, don't stress okay. Just relax this ride."
"I thought we were going home."
"I promise you that one last drive as a couple." She giggles. I hope she has her giggles.

We drove all around downtown Oakland all afternoon. The drive was so relaxing that Dylan fell asleep. She needed to sleep. We arrived at our house. Dylan quickly woke up. "Morning sleepy head."
"It's not even morning. By now it's like seven or eight o'clock." I help her get out of the car. We walked in together.
"I gotta show you something." I walked her to our daughter room. "Surprise." I turned on the light. She walked in the room. She was so surprised and amazing of all the work.
"You did this?"
"Yeah, for our little girl." Then I kissed her. "I love you so so much. I would never trade anything of these moments with you."
"Me neither...." then she felt pain. She groaned.
"Dylan!? What's wrong?!?"
"I'm having contractions!" I carry her to the living room and sat her in the couch. She breath heavily. Then I called my ma to come over to help us during this time.

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