Back To Normal

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Dylan version
It was Suz graduation day of kindergarten. She wanted her brothers, her sister and Ma to see her receive her diploma. Within that year it went by fast. She loved kindergarten. Everyone day she would talk and talk about her class, what she did in her class. My princess is all grown up. Gerald was crying but he act cool about it. It's cute of him.

We stayed two weeks in San Fran since we have to move back to Oakland, and Suz could say bye to her friend she made. It's heartbreaking that she had to do that. But since the school we tried to put her for her education finally accepted her for her first grade and the twins for kindergarten we had to move back.

It was our last day in San Francisco. Suz wanted to invite her friend to the park. I called Suz friend parents if it was alright to meet at the park. They were honestly the nicest people that me and Gerald could have a good friendship in San Francisco and made us be normal people for once. We met up at the park. The kids went to play at playground as us adults were talking. Suz and her friend wanted to hang out for the whole summer. We made arrangements as parents to make an agreement. Since we both have trust amongst us. We said our goodbyes. Suz hugged her friend. The kids were seated in their car seat. Suz was sad "mama. Is shyla coming to see me for the summer? And am I going her because her birthday?"
"Yes baby, daddy and I talked to shyla's parents already. You can go visit her here and she'll visit you back home so you can be with her and play with your cousin for the summer." She hugs me "I promise you that princess." We drove off back home.

The whole summer all the kids were able now to play outside in the backyard since the paparazzi and other media grabbed some other attention. It was finally back to normal. Suz and her friend Shyla were spending so much time especially with Milan, Audrey, Alice and Olivia. These girls are inseparable when their together. The boys hangout with the boys during the whole summer. But it was sad and upsetting when Suz, Alice, Audrey and Milan starting school early and they had to say goodbye. Shyla's parents are very much in contact with us. It felt like a short summer this time. But it was the best summer for them.

Back to normal for us back to normal for the kids and now it's back to school.

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