What's The One Thing Angelina Gave To Brad?

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Dylan version
Let me get some things straight. Gerald has been talking about having another baby like our last one. I seen how Gerald this time he wants to have one. And I budged in so we tried for the last month or so before the new year. Ryland has been more active than Hayden, Ashton and Suz. Almost five months and he's already up and about.

After the new year like a month or two I've been feeling different, it may have one or two things. I'm getting sick because Ashton had the flu or I'm pregnant again and that's the high percentage of it. I went to the pharmacy near the building. Gerald sees me walking out so anxious out of the elevator. He had Ryland in his arms and Suz holding her from her hand "hey baby." He smiles at me "Where are you going so anxious and in a hurry?"
"I'm getting something from the store across the street." Okay he knows me well "Um tea. Yeah I'm getting tea."
"Okay, Ashton and Hayden is with James. Both wanted to be with Jace today."
"It's okay, Mia told me about it this morning." I had to go now "I'll see you later." I walked out of the building. That was a close one. I bought a test to see if it was true or not. I didn't want to do it in the office restrooms since Gerald will get all excited about it. Waited for five minutes. I turned the test the other way after five minutes: positive + I was shocked, happy, nervous and and scared.

I walked back into the office building. Mia was in the conference room alone. I just did a ran to it. She looks at me but confused "um hey Dylan? Why did you came here all anxious?"
"Mia please sit down." She sits down. I locked the door and put down the covers on the windows. "I don't know how to say this but I'm nervous, anxious, scared and happy mostly shocked."
"You're scaring me. If it's the boys, their fine. James is taking good care of them."
"No, it's not that. I don't know how to say this to Gerald like how will he react. Is it going to be like the last time?"
"What are you talking about?" I show her the test. She was shocked and happy "YOURE PREGNANT?!"
"Shh!" I kept her quiet "I just found out like a while ago. Mia I'm scared. I don't know what to do." I sit down "I'm like a month late and that was one of the signs, then I began get the symptoms but I didn't believe it."
"Don't worry. Hey it will be okay." She gets me a bottle of water "so are you going to tell him?"
"Yes! What do you think imma keep it a secret from him then on the fifth or sixth month when the belly is showing that's when I should tell him. No. No, I gotta figure out a way."
"Okay just don't stress out about it."
"I think I have an idea but it's kinda weird in a fact I should tell him."
"This should be interesting." I walked out of the conference room. God hope this works.

It's already noon. I've been more nervous than in the morning but work kept myself busy and not trying to think about it. The kids were in the other room, with Gerald. I heard a knock on my door. My heart began to raise. It was Gerald "Hey umm I was going to ask you if you want to get some food with the kids?"
"Sure where were you thinking?"
"Your favorite sea food place where you eat fish tacos or some thing in the menu." At this moment I want to throw up.
"I was thinking we should go eat some normal tacos instead." I get up from my chair. "Can you please come on, I have to tell you something. Important."
"Okay." He closes my door "is this something about the eazy season that we're releasing in the later of the next year?"
"No, it's something else. Off of that topic. Basically off of work related."
"What is it cause you're beginning to make me feel worried." I'm terrified to tell you but I guess I should tell you in some way.
"Okay um." I sit down in my chair. "Remember that one night were we didn't have the kids with us. After the new year. And you thought it was a good idea to say I was your Angelina and you were mine brad." I laughed since I couldn't contain it. He was confused of what I was saying "you thought it was a good idea to bring 'mr & mrs smith' to our sex life for that one time."
"Oh yeah. That was particularly a good but awkward moment." He laughed "but what does that have to do with this?"
"Okay. What's the one thing Angelina gave to Brad?" Hopefully he gets it from this question.
"Uh happiness in the marriage before their divorce? Cause that's the only thing I can think of."
"No ger." I was beginning to worry "baby think, what's the one thing Angelina have to Brad? No it wasn't a new dog cause I don't think it did happen with them." I pulled out the test but was covering it with my hands "any clue?"
"Honestly I don't know what you're talking about. I remember that. It was the best night."
"I think this will kind make your mind more clear." I put the test on the desk "Angelina gave Brad a baby. We're having a baby." He was speechless "I knew you weren't going to be happy."
"No I'm happy about it. How far are you?"
"I'm not sure maybe like a few weeks. You don't seem happy."
"Baby I am. It's im just speechless with the news. I knew this was going to happen." A smiled appeared. He gets up from the chair and sits on the ground next to me where I was sitting in my chair. He touches the bump that was appearing. "It's already forming." He rubs it gently "I'm so happy with this. I promise you I will be here with you." He kisses it. He hugs me. "Am I the first person you told me?"
"I was panicking to Mia about it but I didn't know actually till now."

We sat in the couch in my office, laughing, smiling. He hugged me closed to him. His hand was in the little bump. "My little peanut." Mia comes in with Ryland and Suz. "My other beautiful kids!"
"Was I interrupting something?" She sees us smiling at Gerald hand on my stomach "you're pregnant! Like actually." I nod my head yes "oh my god congratulations."
"Don't say anything to anyone. We wanna kept this one a secret."
"You got it. I just came to bring you guys your kids cause I have to go with James." She let's go Suz and Suz runs to me. She sits down in the couch next to me. Ryland was in Gerald's arms. "I'm so happy for you guys." She leaves.
"Mama." Suz calles me "why are you and dadda happy?"
"Because we love you and your brothers. That's all." She runs around the office.
"Maybe we should head on going. And we can get some pizza on the way home." Gerald said. We get up. I got Suz hand. We walked out of the office to the elevator.

The drive home was quiet. Suz and Ryland we're asleep after eating pizza and going to the arcade. "Mia texted me. She said that the twins fell asleep before their bedtime." Gerald smiles "they had fun with Jace today."
"And we have two sleepy heads in the back."
"And another one here." I touch the bump. I smiled at Gerald "god we're going to have five actually. And this time it's not a joke." We both laughed "I'll take Ryland to his crib and you Suz. She's getting big already."
"Okay." We arrived home. Suz woke up but she didn't want to walk "it's okay princess I got you." Gerald take her out of her car seat after he turned off the car "you had a long day." She nods her head. I got Ryland but he's a sleeper. After the kids were in bed, Gerald was in the shower and I was in the closet. I had my sweat pants on and my bra on. I seen how the bump was forming. I must be like three months or so. Or two. Maybe I should go see with the doctor tomorrow morning. "Baby?" I heard Gerald.
"I'm in the closet." I get a shirt. He walks in with a towel covering his lower body.
"Whatcha doing here?"
"Changing." He looks at me "okay okay I was looking at the bump. But it's weird how it's already forming."
"Maybe if it's a girl. Or a boy. And if it's a boy Suz will be my only princess and you my queen. But Suz really wants a girl so she can have a baby sister to play."
"Yeah she wants to play with her, dolls, dress up and all the things she tells me."
"Yeah she's my princess." He gets his clothes "we should get some sleep. And cuddle." I laughed

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